Trump keeps another promise and…

The Deep State Uniparty goes nuts. Good day all. During the campaign, Candidate Trump promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the United States embassy there. Last week, President Trump kept his promise.

He announced that the United States would be moving our embassy to Jerusalem and that the United States was formally recognizing that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel. Almost immediately, the usual suspects decried the decision stating that it was going to break the “Peace Process.” This included all the Democrats who, for years, have been saying that we needed to recognize Jerusalem as the capital and move the embassy there.

One of the biggest hypocrites was Senator Diane Feinstein. She has twice voted to support the move to Jerusalem, but now she is against it. She isn’t the only Democrat to show that politics is all that matters to them. According to Fox News:

Some of the top congressional Democrats blasting President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. Embassy there have in fact supported that very position in the past. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., penned a letter to the president last week, urging him not to move the embassy. Feinstein’s letter said the move would “spark violence, further alienate the United States and undermine the prospects of a two-state solution.”

The future of Jerusalem is an issue that should be decided by Israel and the Palestinians, not unilaterally by the United States,” Feinstein wrote.

To bad for DiFi that votes in Congress are recorded.

Feinstein was among those who voted for a 1995 law passed by Congress that required “the relocation of the United States embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.” The measure also required the U.S. recognize the city as the capital of Israel.

The excuse used by these frauds is that now the Islamic Arabs won’t take part in the “Peace Process.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who caucuses with Senate Democrats, slammed Trump’s decision as well.

“There’s a reason why all past US administrations have not made this move, and why leaders around the world have warned Trump against it: It would undermine the prospects for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement and severely, perhaps irreparably, damage our ability to broker it,” Sanders posted on Twitter.

Here’s the thing. There is no peace process. The Muslims don’t want peace, they want Israel destroyed and all the Jews dead. In an article in the American Spectator, Dov Fischer wrote this regarding all the excuses about kowtowing to the Muslims and how upsetting them will end the peace process:

As the chicken-hearted, yellow-bellied, lily-livered, gutless and spineless leaders of Western Civilization from Western Europe to New Zealand now shake and tremble in the face of a simple truth that they all know — that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel — we may expect to hear the meme interminably day-and-night, until the next television or movie icon’s pants fall, that “This decision now threatens the Middle East ‘Peace Process.’” For the last fifty years, someone in a European capital and in the U.S. State Department has uttered that sentence at least once weekly.

Mr. Fischer then gives other reasosn that the Eurotrash politicians and Deep State Uniparty types in the United States might want to use.

  1. If Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston divorce, it will endanger the Middle East peace process.
  2. If Megyn Kelly ever gets ratings on NBC, it will endanger the Middle East peace process.
  3. If Hillary Clinton admits that she knowingly spoliated those emails and that they had nothing to do with yoga, yogurt, or Chelsea’s wedding, it will endanger the Middle East peace process.
  4. If Netflix raises its prices again, it will endanger the Middle East peace process.
  5. If Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie divorce, it will endanger the Middle East peace process.
  6. If Eli Manning does not start for the New York Giants, or if Colin Kaepernick does start anywhere, it will endanger the Middle East peace process.
  7. If Bill Clinton admits that he raped Juanita Broaddrick, it will endanger the Middle East peace process.

What Mr. Fischer is saying is a simple truth. The Islamic Arab world does not want peace, they want Israel gone and all the Jews dead. The Palestinians are already ramping up for their obligatory riots and rampages. Of course, now that Israel has essentially sealed them off on the Gaza Strip, the basic plan will be, “Let them trash their own homes. We won’t stop them.”

President Trump is once again doing something the Progressives and GOP(e), can’t comprehend. He is keeping his campaign promises. He is also uphold the law, one that was passed back in 1996 by Democrats, and signed into law, by a Democrat president. I haven’t seen any polls, however, I think that President Trump’s popularity in Israel is growing by the day. I’ve read that across the political spectrum in Israel, his announcement regarding Jerusalem is winning high praise.

As for the Arab/Islamic world? Tough. Thanks to President Trump’s unleashing of energy producers, we don’t need your damn oil any longer. Israel is a Democracy, they believe in the Rule of Law, and they are a beacon of light among the barbarians in the Middle East. My only question is, when do we start construction of our new embassy?


~The Angry Webmaster~

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