Oops! CNN does it again!!

Good day all. It seems this is “Dump on CNN” week. Of course, considering how bad CNN is, they’ve earned it. Yesterday we had a failed Islamic terrorist attack in New York City. The terrorist was caught when he suffered a premature detonation.

While this was going on and people were desperately looking for good information, what did the Corrupt News Network spend it’s time on? President Trump’s consumption of soda.

It hasn’t been a good year for the Corrupt News Network and yesterday was just another example. While all the other networks were covering the most important story this month, CNN was making complete fools of themselves, again. Here are the details from Fox News:

An attempted terrorist attack caused massive chaos during Monday morning’s rush hour in New York City, but some CNN viewers could be in the dark because the network spent an inordinate amount of time covering an anti-Trump story about the president’s soda consumption while details of the chaotic situation unfolded.

At 8:45 a.m. ET a law enforcement official told reporters, including the Associated Press, that a man had a pipe bomb strapped to him when it went off on a New York City subway platform. That was roughly the same time that CNN was in the middle of a segment that featured the chyron, “NYT Report: Trump drinks a dozen diet cokes per day,” while a large graphic promoting Tuesday’s Election Night in Alabama took up a significant portion of the screen.

Viewers quickly took notice. Media crisis guru Yossi Gestetner tweeted, “More than an hour after the pipe-bomb story broke, CNN was busy with Trump’s diet Coke,” while another viewer asked, “Why are you talking about this!”

I can answer that last question. This..Is CNN, the Network of Never Trump, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No matter what happens, we will provide the world with the latest fake news regarding Donald Trump! A bomb goes off on a New York City subway platform? Not to worry, we have an exclusive story on how many cans of soda a day President Trump drinks, because, We..Are CNN.

Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor used the situation to mock CNN’s recent ad campaign in which the network uses an apple in an attempt to combat its “fake news” reputation.

U.S. News was talking about the bombing at 7:54. Nearly an hour later, CNN is whining about Donald Trump drinks Diet Cokes and watches too much TV instead of reporting about terrorism in New York City,” Gainor told Fox News. “CNN might tell you what it’s giving you is an apple, but if it is, it’s rotten.”

CNN, was originally called the Cable News Network. It was created by billionaire Moonbat Ted Turner. It became a household name when the first Gulf War started, and a CNN crew was in Baghdad when the bombers and missiles came in. For about a decade afterwards, everyone turned to CNN when major news was happening.

Then Fox News came on the scene with a tilt to the right, and people began to see just how corrupt CNN truly was. Of course, by then, Turner had sold the network for a tidy sum. The problem is, CNN’s political views have not just gone to the left, they’ve fallen off the left side of the mountain. The news coverage of the terrorist bomb in NYC demonstrated that CNN is useless.

While viewers scrambled to hear the latest news, several people took to Twitter to mock CNN’s programming’s decision. Blogger Ann Althouse noted that the New York Times article that first mentioned Trump’s soda habit came out a few days ago and added, “CNN is hopeless,” after expressing frustration that CNN didn’t offer the live report on the attempted terror attack.

One user wrote, “CNN was talking about the bombshell reporting that @realDonaldTrump drinks 12 diet cokes and watches 4+ hours of TV news per day AFTER the news broke about the bombing in NYC. I kid you not!” while another joked, “We interrupt our story on the suicide bombing in NY subway to update the current tally on President Trump’s daily consumption of diet cokes! We now return you to our regular broadcasting!”

The cries of “WTF CNN?” were all over Twitter, Facebook and other social media systems. Even lefty sources were wondering what the heck CNN was snorting to so screw up this badly. Time Warner has been looking to sell itself to AT&T, but with the antics, incompetence and total loss of credibility by CNN, well, there has been talk that if the deal goes through, AT&T will sell CNN.

The problem is that CNN may actually be financially worthless, and this will drive down the purchase price of their parent company, Time Warner. Who, in their right mind, would want to buy a news service that had so thoroughly discredited itself? Anyone who did buy it would have to clean house, and honestly, it would be cheaper to just set up their own news channel. How long will CNN last before it collapses completely?


~The Angry Webmaster~

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