Gov. Moonbeam: Fires are the new normal

Good day all. California is suffering from some of the worst wildfires in recent memory. The conditions out there are perfect for forest fires, with the lack of rain and a few other “issues.”

The damages have been severe with almost a 1000 homes destroyed. Recently, a number of horses were trapped and killed by the fast moving fires. The firefighters are working overtime, trying to contain and put out the fires. As for California governor Jerry “Governor Moonbeam” Brown’s response to this disaster? “It’s the new normal so get used to it.

There are, as I mentioned, a whole host of reasons for these fires. I believe that at least one of them was started by one of Governor Moonbeam’s favorite people, an undocumented worker illegal alien. Other problems can be laid directly at the doorstep of Moonbeam and the progressives currently running California right into the ground.

One issue is removal of the thick underbrush that the fires use as fuel. As I understand it, it’s basically illegal to clear it away. Then we have Moonbeam’s statement that this is all due to climate change and that people should just get used to having their homes destroyed every year. Here are some of the details from the Daily Mail:

California’s governor has said that deadly wildfires in the winter will be ‘the new normal’, as fire crews rushed to contain the fires, with dry desert winds expected to intensify over the weekend. At a news conference, the Democrat said drought and climate change mean California faces a ‘new reality’ where lives and property are continually threatened by fire, at a cost of billions of dollars.

So, instead of placing the blame for the issues directly at the feet of those responsible, the old moonbat blames “Global Warming Climate Change!!!” How about the fact that at least one of these fires was started by criminals you are protecting? Or the fact that you and the other moonbats in Sacramento have done everything you can to make sure these fires happen?

Meanwhile, people are being told to evacuate. Since they have been prevented from building their own firebreaks and clearing away underbrush, they really don’t have a choice. Unfortunately, this is California, the land of the Fruits and the Nuts, so they generally just say “Sure Man.” and then take another bong hit.

John Knapp did not initially believe a sheriff deputy’s order to leave when he first spotted the fire outside his home in the Rancho Monserate Country Club.

‘I thought he was full of bologna, but once I saw the flames and the smoke I thought that maybe he’s right,’ Knapp said.

Dude, when firefighters or the police go screaming by yelling “FIRE!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!” it would behoove you to take their advice and save as much as you can and RUN! They usually have a pretty good idea what’s going on. Sadly, even people who took their advice weren’t able to save much.

This is what governor Moonbeam wants to consider as the “New Normal.” Typical of the Progressive, Liberal Moonbat that infests California, he blames everything else instead of the real causes. California has water issues because of the actions of Governor Moonbeam the last time he was in office. He canceled a large number of water projects that would have helped the State get through the droughts they have.

He, and other like minded Progressives, dedicated to “Saving the planet!” pass laws that all but guarantee that the planet will burn to the ground around them. Since they are complete incompetents, and incapable of put the blame for avoidable disasters right where it belongs, (at their own feet), things will get worse. So, when is that Calexit vote again? The sooner they go, the better off the normal folks in the rest of the country will be.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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