The Schumer Shutdown

Good day all. Last night, (January 19th), the United States government ran out of budgetary authority to spend money and shut down. Even before the shutdown occurred, the finger pointing began. As you can see from the title, you know who I’m blaming.

The basic issues are very simple. The congress needed to pass a short term spending bill so that the federal government could pay it’s bills. The House did it’s job, but the senate, as usual, faceplanted. The major issue was illegal aliens, and Obama’s unlawful DACA program. President Trump said that he was ending it since it was illegal. (Despite what a crooked communist judge may think) He also told Congress to give him a bill he could sign that would fix the problem.

The Democrats and their fellow travelers in the GOP(e) came up with a bill that was flat out unacceptable to President Trump and his millions of supporters. Basically it was just another rehash of the Democrats and Chamber of Commerce Republicans throwing open the borders and allowing anyone to come in. That was what started the “Shithole” business a couple of weeks ago.

The Democrats, Led by Senator Upchuck Schumer and Senile Pelosi decided that they would use the continuing resolution to get what they wanted. Open borders and an end to any sort of immigration enforcement. In other words, the Democrats, along with a few Republicans In Name Only, (Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and Mike Lee), joined the Democrats in protecting criminals at the expense of American citizens and lawful Resident Aliens. (Rand Paul also voted against the resolution, but for different reasons. He’s still an idiot)

Now the blame game begins. The Democrats think they will once again steamroll the Republicans into abject surrender. However, there is a very big fly in the ointment. President Donald J. Trump. He is perfectly willing to make a deal, however he won’t roll over, unlike previous Republican presidents. He’s also NOT Barack Obama.

During the last shutdown, Obama did everything he could to make it hurt for the Average American. He also punished the military as well by not paying the troops. (Thankfully, the men and women protecting this nation do so because it’s right, not for the money) Obama had parks and monuments closed off that didn’t need to be. He had tourists ejected from national parks, almost at gunpoint. The whole idea was to get the American people to blame the Republicans, and with the able assistance of the Democrats propaganda service, (The Main Stream Media), it pretty much worked.

But now we have President Trump. If this shutdown lasts any time at all, he will be the one assigning priorities, and he is not going to do anything to punish Americans or the military. Instead, he’s going to go after all those deep state swamp dwelling agencies that should have gone out of business decades ago.

This is something the swamp dwellers on both sides of the aisle have forgotten. President Trump was hired to shrink the size of the federal government. He’s been doing what he can on the administrative side, with little support from the Rino’s in Congress. Now, thanks to Upchuck Schumer, President Trump can take Obama’s pen and phone out of storage, have it thoroughly sanitized, and use it in ways the swamp dwellers never thought of.

I would be willing to bet that this shutdown will not last a week, once the Uniparty sees just how President Trump handles things. You know he’s already got a plan for dealing with this sort of situation, and now he’s going to instruct his staff to “Make America Great Again” by causing as much pain and suffering as possible to the swamp dwelling, Deeps State Uniparty and their minions in the media.

Sit back, make some popcorn, pour a beer and enjoy the show. UpChuck Schumer and the Beltway Uniparty have no idea what they’ve just done.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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