I.C.E to California, Game on!

Good day all. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has announced that they’re going to begin a sweep for illegal aliens in California. This has the Moonbats and Progressives in the People’s Democratic Republic of Kalifornistan in an uproar.

This is a direct shot at the so called “Sanctuary” movement and their willingness to aid and abet criminal activities. Recently Kalifornistan passed a law making it a crime to aid the Federal government in rounding up criminal aliens. This action is being seen as a “Oh yeah? Hold my beer and watch this!” moment. Here’s what SFGate has to say on the matter:

U.S. immigration officials have begun preparing for a major sweep in San Francisco and other Northern California cities in which federal officers would look to arrest more than 1,500 undocumented people while sending a message that immigration policy will be enforced in the sanctuary state, according to a source familiar with the operation.

The campaign, centered in the Bay Area, could happen within weeks, and is expected to become the biggest enforcement action of its kind under President Trump, said the source, who requested anonymity because the plans have not been made public.

I think we’re going to be seeing another mole hunt because of this “Anonymous source.” I have little doubt it’s yet another Obama holdover who is trying to warn the criminals that justice is on it’s way.

Trump has expressed frustration that sanctuary laws — which seek to protect immigrants and persuade them not to live in the shadows by restricting cooperation between local and federal authorities — get in the way of his goal of tightening immigration.

How about you try for a little accuracy here guys? President Trump, along with most Americans, don’t have an issue with lawful immigrants. What we are talking about are “Illegal Aliens.” These are people who have not asked for and been granted permission to immigrate into the United States. (Hopefully with the goal of becoming Americans like our talented, intelligent and strikingly beautiful First Lady)

The operation would go after people who have been identified as targets for deportation, including those who have been served with final deportation orders and those with criminal histories, the source said. The number could tick up if officers come across other undocumented immigrants in the course of their actions and make what are known as collateral arrests.

The sweep would represent the first large-scale effort to target the region since Gov. Jerry Brown in October signed legislation enacting a statewide sanctuary law. Supporters say the law allows undocumented immigrants to cooperate with local police and seek education, health care and other public services without worrying they will expose themselves to possible deportation.

In other words, Kalifornistan is thumbing it’s collectivist noses at the rest of the United States. With any luck, this round up will conclude with the arrests of Governor Moonbeam and the Kalifornistan State Legislature and a few mayors and city councils.

Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan slammed Brown for signing SB54, which he said undermined public safety, and signaled he was prepared to take action. He said at the time that the federal government would not allow California to be “a sanctuary state for illegal aliens,” and would have no choice but to “conduct at-large arrests in local neighborhoods and at worksites, which will inevitably result in additional collateral arrests, instead of focusing on arrests at jails and prisons where transfers are safer for ICE officers and the community.”

Interesting isn’t it? In their attempt to protect their gardeners, maids and housekeepers, the Progressive Globalists may actually make things worse. Gee, who would have thought? Now if they just called ICE when they caught a criminal who is also an illegal alien, then they wouldn’t have to worry about collateral damage arrests, would they?

Told of the planned sweep, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein expressed outrage Tuesday, saying immigrants “must not be targeted in raids solely because they are Californians.” She said a large-scale operation would show that “the administration is carrying out its enforcement actions to make a political point and not based on the security of the country.”

Liberal-leaning lawmakers in the Bay Area and across California have sparred for years with federal officials over the role local agencies play in immigration enforcement.

The tension intensified after the July 2015 killing of Kate Steinle on a San Francisco Bay pier, when it was revealed that the undocumented immigrant shooter, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, had been released from San Francisco Jail under the city’s sanctuary ordinance, even though immigration officers had asked that he be turned over for a sixth deportation.

To top it off, the moonbats of San Francisco let this murdering thug off. This just goes to show you that Progressives flat out don’t care who is killed as long as their personal “Feelz” are taken care of.

After Garcia Zarate was acquitted of murder charges in November, Homan blamed San Francisco for Steinle’s death, saying the shooting “could have been prevented if San Francisco had simply turned the alien over to ICE, as we requested, instead of releasing him back onto the streets.”

And the general answer from the Progressives? “Who cares about Kate Steinle? She was just some rich white racist. She probably deserved what happened to her. Hey, have you seen my bong?”

The statewide legislation signed by Brown limits the circumstances under which jails turn over undocumented inmates to the federal government. It also forbids police officers from arresting people on civil immigration warrants and from joining federal agents in task forces intended to enforce immigration laws.

I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve heard that there may be some serious constitutional issues with this law. There is also the issue that many in law enforcement in Kalifornistan are opposed to any law that protects these criminals. As for the murderer Zarate? The Federal government picked him up and are charging him with everything they can within the law and constitution. At the very least, they have him on federal firearms violations.

Last week, a group of politicians, including Reps. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, and Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen requesting a meeting with her and Homan to clarify the remarks he made on Fox News about stepping up enforcement in California.

Oh this should be good. The Kalifornistan Moonbats are swarming.

Barking Moonbat

The statements are a direct threat to Californians,” the letter read. “These statements are reprehensible and the department’s change in policy will instill fear in our communities. … Acting Director Homan’s attack on sanctuary cities is not only an infringement of state rights but a direct assault on communities of color.”

So, your communities are made up of criminals and illegal aliens? And since when are illegal aliens “People of color?” There are a many illegals from eastern Europe and the Balkans. The last time I looked, they were mighty pale looking. But hey, we all know that your average Progressive makes the KKK look like the height of tolerance.

Pratheepan Gulasekaram, a professor at Santa Clara University School of Law and an immigration expert, said that a major sweep in Northern California would echo tactics seen under the George W. Bush administration.

This is a bluff since California continues to resist,” he said. “This is more show than anything else. They want to make it seem like they are carrying through on this threat. … I highly doubt that ICE, in the way that it is currently funded, has the ability and resources to maintain something like this on a sustained basis.”

Gulasekaram said the raid would “tear up a lot of lives” but have “little meaningful outcome on public safety.”

I looked this clown up. He’s actually all over the internet. Would you care to guess what his specialty is? Yep, immigration law and making sure illegal aliens aren’t deported. He’s a flaming moonbat and from what I’ve seen of his writing, someone who wants open borders and no limits on who can come into the United States. I can’t anything regarding HIS immigration status, if any. For all I know, he may be a native born American.

I also suspect that he was a big supporter of Felonia von Pantsuit and fully expected that corrupt bitch to win the election. If she had, Ice would have been essentially abolished and illegal aliens protected. There certainly wouldn’t have been any sweeps going after these criminals.

What I think is going to happen is that the State Authorities will do something to interfere. Their goal seems to be triggering a full blown constitutional crises. While we now have a president who actually believes in the Rule of Law and the Constitution, eventually, these morons will cross a line and force not just President Trump’s hand, but the hands of the entire Federal Government. Can we say “Martial Law?” Sure we can!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to I.C.E to California, Game on!

  1. Kelly J says:

    I don’t think Trump is man enough to do this. In fact, I’m calling him out on this : No Balls. No sack. The man that makes a Ken Doll anatomically correct.
    LOL. Make sure you arrest the State AG for threatening to arrest and convict any State Citizen who assists the feds in their duties. In fact, take the entire State Administration, declare Martial Law, and put someone like Mattis in charge until we can hold an honest election without a extra million illegals voting.

  2. bbuddha says:

    This has the potential for going very badly. There is no question that California doesn’t have any right to defy immigration laws, one of the few things that actually are the purview of the federal govt. That being said, following the constitution and law isn’t something that these leftists understand and if they confront ICE things could quickly get out of hand.

  3. BruceInVA says:

    Huge difference Michael. It was wrong in the South because those people of color were American citizens. Those in CA are not citizens. They’re not even legally here

  4. MichaelZWilliamson says:

    So, states rights in the south regarding not giving POCs equal legal status: Wrong. States rights in California regarding not giving POCs equal legal status: Right.


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