The Schumer cave in

Good day all. This is going to be fairly short. The Schumer Shutdown is over. Senator Charles “UpChuck” Schumer has surrendered unconditionally. The government is now open for business again. (Damnit!)

The collapse of the Democrat’s “Schumer strategy”, which consists of protecting Democrats, enriching Democrats and putting everyone but Americans first was doomed from the start. Someone in the Democrats organization did some polling over the weekend, and outside of the Democrats hard left base, their numbers were cratering.

In the end, UpChuck was in a no win situation. He decided to pull the plug now and hope things blow over quickly instead of trying to draw things out for something that wasn’t going to happen, another mass amnesty for illegal aliens.

UpChuck and the other nimrods of the Progressive Democrats also misjudged, yet again, how President Trump would react. The Democrats have grown comfortable with various Republican presidents running up the surrender flag and giving the Democrats pretty much everything they wanted.

Instead, President Trump hit back and he hit a lot harder. It was the equivalent of UpChuck Schumer and the Democrats firing spitballs and President Trump returning fire with nuclear weapons. It was all over before it started.

Meanwhile that sound you hear was the dreams of a Democrat “Wave” in 2018 being flushed down the toilet. They never really had a chance, but they are Progressives and they never let reality get in the way of their beliefs.

Now I’m wondering just how many seats the GOP will actually pick up in November. It may be a lot more then anyone thought.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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