South Korea building Terminators!

Good day all. If you are a fan of science fiction, then you are aware of what Artificial Intelligence is. If you aren’t, the term doesn’t refer to Liberals, Progressives or elected officials. (They all have no intelligence at all)

What Artificial Intelligence refers to is computers that can think, similar to how Humans think. (With the noted exception of Progressives, Liberals, Democrats and kids eating Tide Pods and snorting condoms) Many people are concerned that true AI’s, if they came into existence, would promptly move to annihilate the Human race. One of the first movies dealing with this was 1984’s “The Terminator.” Now news has come out claiming that a South Korean university is secretly developing killer robots. Here are the paranoid delusions from The Sun:

A TOP South Korean university is secretly developing a killer Artificial Intelligence robot army that could destroy humanity, scientists fear. KAIST university allegedly launched a new AI weapons lab in February, leading dozens of researchers to believe the products will “have the potential to be weapons of terror”.

Toby Walsh, a professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, organised the boycott with 49 other researchers. He said in an open letter: “If developed, autonomous weapons will … permit war to be fought faster and at a scale great than ever before.

They will have the potential to be weapons of terror.”

I think someone has been watching way to many sci-fi movies. Skynet isn’t being developed. However, the paranoia runs deep here.

University President Sung-Chul Shin said the university was “significantly aware” of ethical concerns regarding AI.

Allow me to complete the thought here. “And we don’t give a damn.”

But yesterday, the researchers announced a boycott of the university, saying they would refrain from visiting KAIST, hosting visitors from the university or cooperating with its research programmes until it pledged to stop developing the weapons.

The scientists added: “They have the potential to be weapons of terror.

“Despots and terrorists could use them against innocent populations, removing any ethical restraints.

“This Pandora’s box will be hard to close if it is opened.”

I think someone needs to climb down from their ivory tower and look around. Despots don’t need robots to slaughter people. They’ve been doing just fine with the tools at hand for thousands of years.

Professor Walsh acknowledged there were many good uses of robotics and Artificial Intelligence in the military. The scientists cited effective bans on previous arms technologies and urged KAIST to ban any work on lethal autonomous weapons and refrain from AI uses that would harm human lives.

Effective bans? Name one. Land mines? Many countries have said said they won’t use them, however the United States isn’t one of them, and when the need arises, that treaty will be tossed into the trash. Chemical weapons? Those are still being produced and used nearly 100 years after the first chemical weapons treaty. The United States and Russia, and I assume China, don’t bother with them any longer for a simple reason. They aren’t all that effective against trained and prepared troops.

Nuclear weapons? Have you bothered to look around lately? Lots of countries have them and more want them. The only reason they haven’t been used is no one wants to turn the Earth into a radioactive ball of ash. Yes, the overall numbers have been reduced, but they will never go away no matter how long you and other moonbats hold your breath and stamp your feet.

But he said they should not be able to decide “who lives or dies”.

Have you ever heard of the “Man in the middle” protocol? It’s actually very simple. The drones, robots and AI’s can track and lock on to the target, but only a human can actually push the button and fire the weapons.

The letter, also signed by top experts on deep learning and robotics, was released ahead of next Monday’s meeting in Geneva by 123 UN member countries on the challenges posed by lethal autonomous weapons, described as “killer robots”.

I love people who declare themselves to be “Top Experts.” I find they usually don’t have a clue what they are talking about, and generally suffer from tunnel vision. By that I mean they focus totally on the few things they know and have no real understanding, or in many cases, any understanding beyond their alleged areas of expertise. Still, it’s amusing that these politically correct special snowflakes think they actually matter.



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~The Angry Webmaster~

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