Stupid govt ideas, Tracking Journalists

Good day all. It’s no secret that I consider most “Journalists” to be nothing more then propagandists for the Progressive Liberal Democrats. I’m not alone in this belief. However, the Department of Homeland (In)Security has come up with a really dumb idea.

The DHS is looking into building a database that will allow them to track journalists and others who might influence people. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Department of Homeland Security is seeking contractors for the creation of a database that would monitor news outlets around the world and collect information on journalists, bloggers and “media influencers.” The plan comes amid concerns of so-called “fake news” and its effect on U.S. elections, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

A DHS solicitation for bids on the project appears on the website Prospective contractors are invited to contact two DHS staffers, whose email addresses appear in the post. DHS spokesman Todd Houlton tweeted Friday that despite what some reporters may suggest, the solicitation is nothing more than the standard practice of monitoring current events in the media.

Any suggestion otherwise is fit for tin foil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorists,” he said.

So we’re all being paranoid are we? I think it’s the bureaucrats in the DHS that are being paranoid. Here’s what they are looking for.

The DHS Media Monitoring plan would grant the chosen company “24/7 access to a password protected, media influencer database, including journalist, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, bloggers etc.,” for the purpose of identifying “any and all media coverage related to the Department of Homeland Security or a particular event.”

Oh! So they are looking to get information on anyone who has bad things to say about the Department of Homeland (In)Security? Well I guess I’m on the list.

According to the document, the public activities of media members and influencers would be monitored by location and beat. Contractors bidding for the project must “present contact details and any other information that could be relevant including publications this influencer writes for, and an over of the previous coverage published by the influencer.”

The chosen company must have the ability to track more than 250,000 global news outlets in more than 100 languages, with the “ability to create unlimited data tracking, statistical breakdown, and graphical analyses on ad-hoc basis.”

So, they’re expecting the primary bidders to be Facebook, Google and Twitter, right? Did anyone even consider how this is going to look to not only the media, but the general public? Yes, the media is nothing more then an echo chamber for the Swamp dwellers of the Deep State, but tracking them to determine if they are engaging in badthink?

Why do In have the sneaking suspicion that the grownups at DHS weren’t aware of this plan, or were “Not fully briefed” on what this was all about? I suspect that President Trump, who is not a micro-manager, wasn’t aware of this bit of lunacy. While he does go after the media, he does it publicly and gets right into their collectivist faces. What DHS is looking at worries me and both President Trump and Congress need to shut this down now and hard.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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