Double Streaming Disaster!

Hello cruel world! This is the Angry Systems Administrator. We have a double streaming disaster this weekend. The walking barf bag known as the Angry Webmaster has once again barricaded himself into the Anger Central Entertainment Center.

I was half expecting him to do so, now that Netflix has released their version of Lost in Space. What I didn’t anticipate was Amazon Prime releasing season four of their police series, Bosch. The Moronic Dipstick Angry Webmaster is addicted to that series.

I’ve also watched it and enjoy it, but I’m not as fanatical about it as the Supreme Doofus Angry Webmaster. One of the problems with him locking himself into the Entertainment center is that he doesn’t bother with little things like hygiene, personal or otherwise. The last time he did this, which wasn’t that long ago, the Entertainment center looked something like this:

With two new series streaming at the same time, I dread what we will find once that idiot comes out.

We will all complain of course, and the hygienically challenged Angry Webmaster will give is his usual phrase.

Why we stick around for this is beyond me.

Thank you

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~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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