Gun control worked so well, how about knife control?

Good day all. The formally Great Britain, (Now known as the Used to be Great Britain), has a problem. The serfs continue to refuse to do what the government tells them to do, and the Government has said people should stop murdering each other.

Britain long ago restricted people’s ability to own firearms. This was done to keep the ruling class in place. (By this, I mean Parliament, not the Crown) Now, for all intents and purposes, the only people that have guns in Jolly Old England, are the government and criminals. However, this hasn’t stopped many people from looking for other implements of mayhem. They have fallen back on a weapon that has been around since people learned how to chip stone and make it sharp. In other words, knives and other bladed items.

Now that the British have returned to hacking each other up, the government, in the case the Mayor of London, has decided the next step is to ban knives. Here are the details from The Daily Wire:

An epidemic of stabbings and acid attacks in London has gotten so bad that London mayor Sadiq Khan is announcing broad new “knife control” policies designed to keep these weapons of war out of the hands of Londoners looking to cause others harm.

Excuse me? Knives as “Weapons of War?” While knives are issued to the military, modern soldiers prefer not to use them in combat. It means they literally have nothing left to fight the enemy with. Granted, knives are occasionally used, mostly by special forces, but in general, issued knives are used as tools. Of course, the Mayor of London can’t admit the actual truth. His policies and the policies of the Government with regards to dealing with violence have been a dismal failure.

The “tough, immediate” measures involve an incredible police crackdown, a ban on home deliveries of knives and acid, and expanding law enforcement stop-and-search powers so that police may stop anyone they believe to be a threat, or planning a knife or acid attack.

So, they are going to go full totalitarian then? How typical of the Left.

Khan announced Friday that the city has created a “violent crime taskforce of 120 officers” tasked with rooting out knife-wielding individuals in public spaces, and is pumping nearly $50 million into the Metropolitan Police department so that they can better arm themselves against knife attacks. He’s also empowering the Met Police to introduce “targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected,” according to a statement.

Excuse me? Isn’t this the same country that stood alone against the forces of evil in 1940? Oh, that’s right. After they won the war, they tossed probably the greatest Prime Minister they ever had out on his ear and handed everything over to a screaming socialist. Besides, all the freedom loving people left Britain ages ago and became Americans.

Strangely enough, Khan is responsible for decreasing the number of stop-and-searches, having previously declared the tactic racist and potentially Islamophobic. It’s also not clear what local Londoners will now use to cut their food.

I think the phrase “Let them eat cake” comes to mind. However, the British Government has yet to reach peak stupidity.

Parliament is also set to take up heavy “knife control” legislation when it resumes this week. The U.K. government is expected to introduce a ban on online knife sales and home knife deliveries, declare it “illegal to possess zombie knives and knuckledusters in private” — “zombie knives” are those defined as being manufactured for the purpose of being used as a person-to-person weapon — and ban sales of caustic materials to anyone under the age of 18, the Independent reports.

From what I’ve read, most of the acid attacks aren’t being conducted by those under 18. It’s been the protected class, known as Muslims who have been doing them. Of course, Muslims are also allowed to turn British teenage girls into sex slaves as well as rape and murder without interference by the police.

London has seen a dramatic uptick in murder rates, surpassing even New York City in the number of homicides every month since the beginning of 2018. It has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world, and, technically, knives carried “without good reason” are off limits to anyone under the age of 18.

I’ve carried knives, off and on, since I was 10. I carry one now. It’s a multi-tool made by Leatherman, and the blades are sharp enough to shave with. It also contains screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters and other tools. Many people in the computer field have these, and many people in general have them. They are useful tools. However, Britain is now circling the drain. They went politically correct in the early 90’s after the Soviet Union collapsed, and now they are moving towards a totalitarian form of government. What a shame.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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