Kalifornistan college reinforcing stupidity

Good day all. I didn’t actually think it was possible, but when it comes to blind stupidity, the colleges and universities of Kalifornistan continue to lower the bar. Now we have one that will teach Venezuelan economics as a good idea.

For those of you who live under a rock, or only read the New York Slimes, Venezuela is undergoing a complete and total economic collapse. This was brought on by the socialist policies of it’s former, (and now dead), dictator, Hugo Chavez and it’s current incompetent dictator, Nicolas Maduro. Prior to these two morons, Venezuela was actually doing fairly well for a South American country.

It had problems, but they were sitting on some pretty extensive oil fields. Once Chavez and then Maduro came into the picture, they looted the money coming in from the oil revenues, didn’t bother with any maintenance and did the usual 3rd world dictator stuff of taking care of themselves and their cronies, all of this under the cover of “Power to the people!”

Now the money has run out and people are literally starving to death. Girls as young as 11-12 or selling themselves to feed themselves and their families. In other words, Venezuela has gone from a potential great economy to a typical 3rd world hell hole.

This brings us to Scripps College, located in Claremont, Kalifornistan. Scripps was founded by an early model Moonbat named Ellen Browning Scripps. According to Wikipedia:

At the age of 89, Scripps founded the college as one of the institutions in the West dedicated to educating women for both professional careers and personal growth. Scripps’ “experiment in education” called for a setting with an artistic connection between buildings and garden landscape on an intimate scale.

The costs to attend this “Institution of higher learning” is way up there, coming in around $60,000 per year. This tuition is used to bring in speakers and educators to prepare these young skulls full of mush to become useful and productive members of American society. It was with this in mind that Scripps brought in two economic failures from Venezuela. It doesn’t seem that they were brought in to show the students just how bad Socialism is either. Here are the details of what these two morons were brought in to teach from the Washington Times:

Scripps College is hosting two officials from the Venezuelan government this week to promote “economics that serve people not profits.”

Consuls General Antonio Cordero and Jesus Chucho Garcia will deliver two lectures and participate in a joint panel discussion through Wednesday at the women’s college in Claremont, California.

And what will these lectures consist of? Consider the email sent to the students regarding these lectures:

An April 6 email sent to Scripps students advertising the lecture series, which was first reported by the Claremont Independent, praises the Venezuelan government’s housing, health care and education policies.

Despite the increase in economic sanctions from powers such as the United States, Canada and the European Union, the Bolivarian Revolution has built 2 million homes across the country for working class families in the last five years,” the email reads. “Victims of natural disasters are prioritized among the new homeowners. Health care and education are universal and free.”

So everyone has a nice hovel to starve to death in, how nice. Of course, they blame all their economic problems on the United States. After all, it’s America’s fault that they’ve run out of other people’s money to spend.

Once the wealthiest nation in South America, Venezuela has seen its economy contract nearly 50 percent since 2013 under the socialist policies of President Nicolas Maduro.

Hyperinflation has led to shortages of basic goods like toilet paper, diapers and aspirin, and staples of the Venezuelan diet including milk, eggs, rice, coffee and sugar have been similarly hard to come by. At one point, the bolivar weakened so dramatically that the government could not afford to print new money.

In a survey published last year, about one-third of Venezuelans said they had skipped meals in the last 12 months, and nearly three-fourths reported losing weight, dropping 19 pounds on average.

Well, I’m sure they were all overweight to begin with.

More than 600,000 Venezuelans have fled the country in search of economic opportunity elsewhere.

With a fair number looking at the United States. Well guess what? We don’t want you. You screwed up your country, we’re not about to let you wreck ours either. Of course, if your a barking moonbat attending a college in Kalifornistan, you just think that the reason Socialism failed in Venezuela was that the right people, such as yourselves, weren’t the ones implementing it.

The economic crisis in Venezuela had also precipitated a political one.

President Maduro has taken steps to consolidate power and weaken the opposition-dominated national assembly. The strongman is poised to win another six-year term after abruptly moving elections to this year, catching the opposition party off guard.

An election he will win with 98.99% of the vote going to him of course.

This week’s events at Scripps College are titled, “Venezuela’s Challenge: Against War and a Unipolar World,” “Venezuelans’ Exercise of Popular Democracy from the Streets to the Polls” and “Maroon Legacies and Afro-Venezuelan Organizing in Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution.”

The first lecture, delivered by Mr. Cordero on Monday, was advertised to students who are “interested in economics that serve people not profits.” The second lecture, delivered jointly on Tuesday, will address the themes of “economic sovereignty, African solidarities, and a different way of doing democracy.” The third lecture will be delivered Wednesday by Mr. Garcia, who is billed as “an organizer who hails from the grassroots of Venezuela’s Black working-class struggles.”

So typical of Socialists everywhere. Blame the evil capitalists for making money and putting people to work. Nope, it has to be the government that does this because only central totalitarian control is acceptable.

The April 6 email frames the Scripps lecture series by pointing to recent international gatherings convened to show “unwavering solidarity” with the Venezuelan government.

Ah yes, “Unwavering solidarity” with the government by people who think they should rule. I’m probably on safe ground here when I say these are the same sorts of people that supported the Soviet Union, especially when it was run by Josef Stalin, Italy when it was Fascist and run by Benito Mussolini, the People’s Republic of China under Mao, and of course, our perennial favorite tyrant, Germany under Adolph Hitler.

These gatherings and grassroots initiatives, absent from mainstream corporate media coverage of Venezuela, encompass the people’s vision for a new society rooted in political participation, communal economies and democracy,” the email reads.

In other words, Communism.

This is the second consecutive semester that Scripps has hosted Mr. Cordero for a three-day summit on Venezuela. He participated in a panel discussion last October titled, “In Search of Truth in Today’s Venezuela.”

They couldn’t find the truth if it came up and kicked them in their microscopic testicles.

A poster advertising the October speaker series, as reported by the Claremont Independent, touted Venezuela’s electoral system as “the most transparent in the world.”

Other lectures were titled, “Paramilitarism from the Right versus Building the Communal State from Below,” “Black Liberation and Reparations at the Heart of Venezuela’s Revolution” and “PEOPLE’S POWER in Venezuela, the Highest Power in the Land.”

Once again, we see why 95% of the colleges in the United States are a complete waste of money and time. They refuse to face the fact that their pet ideas never worked and never will work. Socialism is just a way for a small ruling elite to control every aspect of people’s lives for their own personal benefit. It’s not about making life better for people, it’s all about absolute power.

Venezuela is a dead, failed country. It committed suicide. The ruling elites are desperate to hold on to power at all costs, since they know that when they fall, the drop will be rather short with a sudden stop as the noose tightens. The progressives, socialists, liberals and Democrats, (But I’m repeating myself), in the United States refuse to face facts. Instead, they blame the collapse of Venezuela’s economy on the United States.

The Maduro regime, and prior to that, the Chavez regime loved to use the United States as their whipping boy. They were both claiming the United States was going to invade and take over. What has been happening instead is the worst nightmare for a tyranny.

We’ve been ignoring them. We aren’t going to invade, we aren’t going to blockade them, and since their oil is not the highest quality, not to mention that we don’t need it, we aren’t buying any from them. We are just going to leave them alone and use them as yet another example of why socialism is an abject failure, no matter what some progressive ivory tower elitist in an overpriced university tells people. I hope all these Scripps Students enjoy the jobs they will be best qualified for. Barrista’s at Starbucks.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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