Tag Archives: Netflix

Double Streaming Disaster!

Hello cruel world! This is the Angry Systems Administrator. We have a double streaming disaster this weekend. The walking barf bag known as the Angry Webmaster has once again barricaded himself into the Anger Central Entertainment Center.

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Binging on Altered Carbon

Good day everyone, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. It looks like we’re in for another weekend of the hygienically challenged Angry Webmaster locking hi9mself in the Anger Central Entertainment Center. He’s discovered Altered Carbon on Netflix.

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Oh Hell! The Defenders is streaming

We interrupt your regularly scheduled political diatribe to bring you this special announcement. This is the Angry Systems Administrator. I just got in and I found the door to the Anger Central Entertainment Lounge closed and the door locked. There … Continue reading

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Review: Jessica Jones

Good day all. I just completed binge watching the new NetFlix series, Jessica Jones. The series is part of the Marvel Universe and has some tie ins to NetFlix’s Daredevil. Continue reading

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