CommuNazis hate the May jobs report

Good day all. Last week the jobs report came out and everyone from President Trump on down was celebrating. Well, almost everyone that is. One group that wasn’t was the Democrats CommuNazis.

They are very upset at the news that jobless numbers are at the lowest they’ve been in almost 20 years, and that unemployment among Americans of recent African decent has plummeted. Since people who have jobs generally don’t need the Socialist garbage peddled by the CommuNazis, they’re looking at their “Great Blue Wave” ending up being a small puddle on the ground.

If the trends continue, what the Democrats thought was going to be a chance to regain control of the government could end up with more of them on the unemployment line. Here are the details from CNBC:

Friday’s, (June 1st) monthly employment report was great news for anyone looking for a job in America – unless you happen to be a Democrat running for Congress.

Among the many contentious topics swirling around this year’s campaign, none is more important than the perennial issue of employment. Voters who are employed are historically more likely to favor incumbents than those who are out of work.

Normally true, unless those incumbents are telling their constituents that all they’re getting is crumbs and that they would really be far better off in a Socialist workers paradise not unlike Venezuela.

That poses a major challenge for Democrats in 435 House districts and 35 Senate races who are looking to unseat Republican majorities in both chambers.

President Donald Trump was uncharacteristically silent on Twitter about Friday’s strong jobs data, aside from a controversial early morning tweet seeming to predict strong growth ahead of the 8:30 a.m. release. But White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow offered an upbeat forecast.

“Business is coming alive,” he told CNBC. “This could go on for a whole bunch more years, in my judgment.”

This poses a problem for the CommuNazis. The one thing they can’t have is a great economy. So what they do, or have their servants in the MSM do, is try to steal the thunder away from President Trump and the Republicans.

Of course, the historic run of employment gains has been underway since the Great Recession ended, well before Republicans took control of Congress and Trump moved into the White House.

Actually, no it hasn’t. The economy has been the worst since the Great Depression. Unemployment was so bad that the Obama regime would fudge the numbers. Wages stagnated, and corporations, thank to the regulatory policies of Der Fubar, were moving out of the country as fast as they could. They parked hundreds of billions of dollars off shore for one simple reason. If they brought it back, the CommuNazis would basically confiscate most of it. Since President Trump took office, he’s been busy gutting the Obama legacy of economic destruction. CNBC, lies like a cheap rug when it comes to those facts.

But with the U.S. economy now approaching its 10th year of recovery, the overall unemployment rate has fallen to levels rarely seen in the historical data. Last month, the official “headline” jobless rate fell to the lowest level since the end of the ’90s Internet boom, which lasted a decade. The last time it was lower was in December 1969, at the tail end of a nearly nine-year boom that ended in 1970.

The 8 years prior to President Trump’s inauguration was one of minimal growth, and no jobs, but don’t let me stop you in your delusions. I find them very entertaining, much as people are entertained by plane crashes shipwrecks and train derailments.

And the jobless rate may go lower still.

“The labor market is tightening rapidly and declines in the unemployment rate are likely to continue, but at a slower pace,” Ben Herzon,” an analyst IHS Markit, wrote in a research note.

One big reason that the unemployment rate drops might slow is that so many people who had given up looking are now coming back into the job market. This means that they’re going to be counted. People are feeling good for the first time in a couple of decades. That’s bad news for the CommuNazis.

Most troubling for Democrats is that the biggest job gainers have been groups that have historically suffered from stubbornly high levels of unemployment, including younger workers, black workers and so-called marginally attached workers, whose employment is tracked by the BLS with the so-called U-6 rate. That measure includes part-time workers who want a full-time job and people who want to work but have given up looking and aren’t in the official count of the labor force.

Not to worry. In states being run ruined by the CommuNazis, they are working hard to wreck the local economies. Just take a look at Kalifornistan and Chicago. They are working hard to match their greatest success, Detroit.

As employers seek to fill jobs from a shrinking pool of unemployed workers, the U-6 rate is now at a 17-year low. Last month, it fell to 7.6 percent, a drop of two tenths percent.

That’s still to high, but I think it will get better. It beats the 15% it hit under King Putt.

And among blacks — whom Trump famously claimed had “nothing to lose” by voting for him in the 2016 election — the jobless rate last month fell to 5.9 percent, a full percentage point drop in just two months. That puts the jobless rate for blacks more than a full point lower than the last trough in April 2000 when it hit 7.0 percent.

Come on people, we can do better. More jobs means more reasons to leave the Democrat’s plantation.

Trump also has focused heavily on job creation for manufacturing and mining workers, who have been among the hardest hit in the latest economic recovery.

Those sectors were hit for two reasons. The Uniparty’s “Free trade deals” that freely traded American jobs for increased bank accounts for the “Friends of the Uniparty,” and the full blown assault on coal mining by the CommuNazis, with Felonia von Pantsuit’s famous campaign promise to end coal mining in the United States. With President Trump revisiting these bogus free trade deals, and looking to remake them into free AND FAIR trade deals, along with hamstringing the EPA, (Finally), These high paying jobs are coming back.

If the CommuNazi party regains control of the government, you will see the economy come to a screeching halt as they keep their promises to raise taxes, regulate businesses they don’t approve of out of existence and work to utterly crush the American Dream. They will stop at nothing to regain power, and hang the consequences. Well, the news keeps getting better and better for everyone else, and the polls, (Not that they should ever be trusted), are showing that people may be voting their wallets in November. The chose is yours America. Work to Make America Great Again, or hand over the reigns of power to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and watch the devastation they will bring.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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