Sitting Bullshit praises communism

Good day all. Senator Elizabeth Warren, (C-China), also known as Lie-a-watha, big chief Sitting Bullshit, and Fauxahontas, has long been a supporter of totalitarian government. She’s just been smart enough not to say so…Until now.

Recently, Comrade Lie-a-watha outright praised the Communist government of the Peoples Republic of China, (PRC), and think that is the way to go in the United States. Here are the details from the American Mirror:

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren would rather praise communist China than the President of the United States.

The 2020 presidential hopeful and darling of the left appeared on CBS This Morning to hawk her new book when host John Dickerson brought up North Korea and the progress President Trump’s made in pressuring the rogue nation to de-nuclearize its military. But Warren insisted the president doesn’t have a clear strategy, and suggested Trump take cues from North Korea’s communist neighbor to the north.

There is a North Korean official apparently coming to America. You said the president doesn’t look like he has a strategy, but it looks like his calling off the summit last week seems to have lit a fire under the North Koreans. Three hostages have been released, so maybe there is a strategy?” Dickerson said.

Uh oh! This guy Dickerson is throwing factual questions at Fauxahontas. He’s using logic, something any progressive in good standing avoids faster then a vampire avoiding the sun.

You know, look. North Korea is a bad actor, we understand that, uh and uh, the president had already promised that they could have a meeting with the President of the United States, something that both Kim Jong Un’s father and grandfather had long, long sought,” Warren said.

Actually Sitting Bullshit, what Rocketman wants is nuclear weapons and control of South Korea. He’s not going to get that with President Trump. He might have with President von Pantsuit.

Then it’s been back and it’s been forth. I want this to work, I want this to work to reduce the threat to South Korea, to Japan, to our allies in the region, to the United States of America, to the entire world, but it really takes a strategy and I look at the comparison with China,” she said.

Look at what China is doing,” Warren continued. “China’s got the long term arc and it’s playing everybody. It’s playing North Korea, it’s playing South Korea, it’s playing the United States of America because it has a long-term whole-of-government strategy that keeps driving towards an end.”

Perhaps Lie-a-watha might want to consider a few things before she decides that the Chinese way is the best way. To begin with, China is not a free country. Second, it’s a one party state. Third, the people have no rights, only privileges granted to them by the “Whole-of-Government”. The people have no say in what their rulers want to do.

Of course, that could be why Warren likes the way they do things. She isn’t particularly enamored with the Constitution of the United States, having to stand for election and being forced to listen to people she allegedly represents. I’m sure she would rather just have anyone who disagrees with her killed.

The Communist party of China – the only political party in China – also recently announced that it eliminated term limits for the country’s president and vice president, which essentially turned the China’s 65-year-old leader Xi Jinping into a dictator for life, The Guardian reports.

What is going on here is that Xi Jinping is setting himself up to rule China as a strongman, a personalistic leader – I have no problem calling it a dictator – for life,” Susan Shirk, former President Bill Clinton’s deputy Secretary of State, told the news site.

A former Clintonista? And she dares disagree with the ruling elite? I wonder when her fatal accident will occur?

The move solidifies Communist control over the “whole-of-government,” making it much easier to keep “driving towards an end” than in a Democracy like America, though Shirk and others seem to believe that “strategy” will ultimately fail.

It won’t fail if Lie-a-watha has anything to say about it. She thinks it’s a grand idea, the tyrannical bitch.

It’s hard for me to see how this kind of police state that puts such severe restrictions on civil society and on information and on the educational system is really going to be a successful modern China,” Shirk told The Guardian. “I expect there is going to be some form of push back eventually – he’s already lost the intellectuals.”

Oh it will succeed. As for those “Intellectuals” you speak of? I’m sure they will be intellectualizing in the labor camps in in short order, or they will shut up and do as their told. That’s how totalitarian regimes have always worked. Slaughter any and all who stand in their way.

It’s unusual for a member of the Democrat CommuNazi party to be so blatant in their desire to re-institute slavery in the United States, but once in a while, the mask slips off and their true nature and desires come forth. Of course, Lie-a-watha Warren is one of the protected class, so the Media won’t report this.

Warren is up for re-election this year. Of course, she is from a “Rotten” state, so the odds of her losing are zero and less then zero. While the extremists think she would make a great president, and should run, Warren has already announced she isn’t stupid enough to try. Her defeat would be even more crushing then Felonia von Pantsuit’s. No, she will continue to do what she can to wreck the republic and make America into the totalitarian slave state the Democrats CommuNazis have have been working towards since 1865.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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