Ketchup Boy Kerry not ruling out 2020 run

Good day all. Like a bad penny, John Forbes “Ketchup Boy” Kerry keeps turning up. Since his crushing defeat in 2004 against George Bush, he’s been eyeing the White House.

Unfortunately, he suffered a case of “Presidential Interruptus” when The Great Mistake ran in 2008. As a consolation prize, he became Secretary of State after Felonia von Pantsuit left to lose the election in 2016. Since then, he’s seen all his signature diplomatic accomplishments being scrapped by President Trump, one after another. Now, he’s toying with the idea of getting smashed in the face again running for President against Donald Trump in 2020. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former Secretary of State John Kerry has refused to rule out a run for the White House in 2020, saying that talk at this time is a “total distraction” and urging Democrats to focus on the looming midterm races instead.

“Talking about 2020 right now is a total distraction and waste of time,” Kerry said in an interview with CBS News‘ “Face the Nation.” The interview is set to air Sunday.

In other words, he is going to run provided he can get someone else to pay for it.

What we need to do is focus on 2018. We need to win back the confidence of the country to move in a better direction, and to do it in sensible ways,” he said.

The only way for the Democrats to regain the confidence of the American People is to take everyone currently in office or running for office and hang them, then see about finding some who aren’t blithering idiots and Socialist Totalitarians.

Kerry ran unsuccessfully for the presidency against President George W. Bush in 2004. He went on to serve as the nation’s highest diplomat under President Barack Obama, where he spearheaded some of Obama’s key foreign policy goals — including the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate change agreement.

And both of those “Accomplishments” have been deemed to be either an outright failure or an actual threat to the United States. The Paris Climate Accord was never submitted to the Senate for ratification for a very good reason. It was a disaster of epic proportions for the United States. The Iran deal was nothing more than a cave in to the Mad Mullahs and never accomplished any of the stated goals.

President Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from both of those accords.

When President Trump pulled out of the Iran mess, Kerry violated the law and actively worked to subvert President Trump, He attempted to get the Eurotrash leadership to come together to oppose President Trump’s decision. He once again failed miserably, mostly due to the fact that President Trump supports America and not our enemies. (Which Kerry does)

While not engaging in 2020 talk at this juncture, he said that he is going to “continue to be an activist.”

I’m going to continue to fight,” he said.

Like you did in Vietnam, where you pulled every string you could to get out of combat and back to the United States? Kerry may think he’s going to run, and he might actually try again. The last time he did, a new word was coined at his expense. “Swiftboating.”

It referred to his time on swiftboats in Vietnam, and how the other members of his unit came out against him. Swiftboating is defined as telling the truth about someone, although the Progressives still call it lying. Go ahead Captain Gigolo, run again. President Trump is not one of the GOP(e) Shrinking Violets. He will lay you out flat in no time.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


It seems that Ketchup Boy has now said he isn’t going to run in 2020. I take it he finally understands that he will never be the gigolo in chief.

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