Umass Amherst supports Nazis

Good day all. As we all know, today’s college campuses are nothing more than Politically Correct centers of Social Justice reeducation. The colleges and Universities in the North Eastern United States are some of the worst.

Barking Moonbat

Then we have the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, or as it’s known locally, UMass Animal. In the rising seas of complete idiocy, UMass Amherst has a reputation for unqualified excellence in moonbattyness. In this case, a student who was berating actual Nazis was told her sign slamming Nazis was not welcome on campus. Here are the details from Fox News:

The University Massachusetts Amherst told a student that her “f— Nazis” sign that she made in response to an anti-Semitic hate crime on campus wasn’t “inclusive” and asked her to remove it.

Excuse me? The sign wasn’t inclusive of Nazis? Since when has anyone considered the Nazis to be of any use to anyone, except as moving targets on a live fire range?

Nicole Parsons told the Boston Globe that she put a sign in her dorm window reading “f— Nazis you are not welcome here” after a swastika was painted over a “Happy Hanukkah” sign earlier this month.

I figured the person responsible would likely walk by my dorm and see it,” she said. “UMass administration has had abysmal response at best to the rising number of hate crimes on campus, so I thought someone should be publicly condemning these actions.”

Well there’s your problem Ms. Parsons. You are attending a notorious left wing university, and we all know that the Progressive Left is just as antisemitic as the original Nazis. Of course they would want them to be included in the Campus program of “Feelz.”

But soon enough, the university administration contacted the student to tell her that her sign was not appropriate and she should take it down for the sake of inclusivity.

While Residence Education cannot force you or your roommate to take the sign down, I am asking that you or your roommate take the sign down so that all students can be a part of an inclusive residential experience, as well as having a respectful environment to be a part of here on our campus,” Eddie Papazoni, a resident director at UMass Amherst told the woman in an email.

I went online to see what I could find out about this fascist. Unfortunately, he’s either scrubbed his profile or uses a slightly different name for his socialist media. I suspect he’s trying to dig a hole and pull it in after himself. I did find his office number, but I won’t be posting it here. Doxxing is NOT something I do. (I leave that to the Antifa fascists) As for Ms. Parsons? To say she was surprised is a bit of an understatement.

Parsons was taken aback by the email from the school, because she didn’t believe it could have an issue with the message of her sign.

I was in absolute shock,” Parsons told BuzzFeed. “This email tells me the university cares more about the feelings of Nazis than the safety of their students.”

Of course they do. Prior to our entry into WW2, some of the biggest supporters of Adolph and his band of murderous morons were Liberals and Progressives.

Following the controversy, the university tried to repair the damage and released a statement stating that it doesn’t support the Nazis.

A poorly worded email from Residence Life staff asking students to take down the sign does not reflect the values of the campus, and it should not have been sent,” the statement read. “UMass Amherst emphatically rejects Nazis, and any other hate group, a view expressed in the students’ sign.”

Nice try. The Nazis aren’t a hate group, they were a political party that took control of Germany and almost took over all of Europe. If they had held off attacking Russia until they had finished off Great Britain, and not declared war on the United States after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, there is a fair chance they might have won. What we have here is called a “Freudian slip.” Basically, this mental midget let slip his actual feelings.

Now the correct way to address Ms. Parson’s sign would have been to ask her to rephrase one word. If the idiot had simply sent out a message asking her to change the profanity into some other word, there would have been no issue. I suspect Ms. Parsons would have made the requested change. Instead, Papazoni had to go all Socialist Justice Warrior and demand that Ms. Parsons remove the sign because it might hurt the feelings of Nazis.

Just to make sure everyone understands what I think of Nazis, I hate them. They were vile, inhuman monsters who invented assembly line mass murder. Near the Anger Central Primary Dwelling is a memorial to the 6 million Jewish men, women and children, along with the other 6 million “undesirables” slaughtered by the Nazis.

My late father was in the Third Army in Europe and saw the camps first hand. He never let us forget what the Nazis were. Scum. For UMass Amherst to even suggest that it’s more important to consider the “Feewings” of Nazis tells me that this is a school that needs a top to bottom sulfuric acid enema. The entire staff should be shown the door.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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