The new CommuNazi Congress gets to work

Good day all. The new congress is in session and they couldn’t wait to begin the process of converting the United States from a Republic into a totalitarian single party state ala the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

One of the first things that was proposed by the losers of the 2016 election is an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the Electoral College and make sure that only the big states ruled by the CommuNazi elites get to choose who will be president. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

A Democratic House member introduced two proposed constitutional amendments on his party’s first day in power, one of which would abolish the Electoral College. Rep. Steve Cohen, Tennessee Democrat and a Judiciary Committee member, said in a statement that that proposal was inspired by his party’s defeats in two presidential elections in the past generation — Al Gore in 2000 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.

How typical. When the CommuNazis can’t win by following the rules, when even cheating isn’t enough, then change the rules.

In those race “the winner of the popular vote did not win the election because of the distorting effect of the outdated Electoral College. Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office. More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators. It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President,” Mr. Cohen said in his statement.

Perhaps Cohen might want to read the historical reasons for the Electoral College. The founders of this nation, were very learned men who studied history. They understood that pure democracy would very quickly lead to mob rule and the suppression of groups that the majority didn’t like. They came up with the Electoral College as a way to protect the rights of the minority, and especially the smaller, less populated states.

What Cohen is proposing would mean that small states, such as New Hampshire, would be ignored. The only states that would matter are those such as Kalifornistan and New York. They, with their large populations, would be the ones to select the President. The smaller states would be ignored and basically told to shut up and follow orders.

This would lead very quickly to outright suppression of those states rights as well as the rights of people living in them. The larger states, such as New York, Kalifornistan, Texas and Florida, would the only ones that mattered. Worse, a large portion of the voting age population lives in CommuNazi controlled cities making the “Mob Rule” problem even greater. They wouldn’t care what the small town citizens thought.

This would very quickly lead to states pulling out of the Union, and all that would bring. Personally, I’m not looking for American Civil War 2, thank you very much. The good news is that Cohen’s stupid idea probably won’t make it out of the house and certainly won’t make it out of the Senate. Even if, by some miracle, it did, the majority of states would laugh it right into the nearest trash can.

It’s been only a week and we’re seeing just what the CommuNazis in the House are going to be doing for the next 2 years. Making America Great Again isn’t on the agenda.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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