Sleepy Sessions thinking of running again

Good day all. It looks like Jeff “Sleepy” Sessions misses the Washington swamp and wants to move back. He is looking at running for his old seat. Currently, the seat is held by a CommuNazi who only won because the Republican nominee is a moron.

Any decent Republican, which disallows the moron who is already working on losing again, would crush Douglas Jones. With this in mind, Sleepy Sessions, who has proven himself to be one of the more incompetent Attorney’s General, could get back on to the Uniparty cocktail circuit. Here are the details from The Washington Times:

Sen. Richard Shelby said Wednesday that former Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who left his post to serve as President Trump’s attorney general until November 2018, is considering another run for Alabama Senate in 2020.

I always thought it was a mistake to draw from the house and senate. Some of those seats were stolen by the CommuNazis when they would have been safely held by the Republican Party. Still, what’s done is done.

I talked to him before. If he got in the race he would be very formidable,” the Alabama Republican said, according to The Hill, “He hasn’t said to me yes or no, but he’s a good friend.”

Mr. Shelby also told The Washington Post that Mr. Sessions would “probably clear the field.”

With the exception of the Moron, it probably would, and he probably would win. Undoubtedly, his plan is to emulate Robert Byrd and die in office.

Mr. Jones was able to clinch a victory over Republican candidate Roy Moore in the December 2017 special election to fill the seat previously held by Mr. Sessions. Mr. Moore’s campaign suffered after allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced from decades prior, which he has denied.

Interestingly, those allegations suddenly went away after he lost. It turned out to be dirty tricks played by the CommuNazis and the Never Trump RINO’s, who took something was rather unseemly, but not illegal, and blew it all out of proportion. Still, Moore is running again, and will lose again if he wins the GOP primary.

This drew quick protests from Republicans, with even Mr. Trump saying Mr. Moore “probably won’t” be able to win a rematch election.

Republicans cannot allow themselves to again lose the Senate seat in the Great State of Alabama. This time it will be for Six Years, not just Two. I have NOTHING against Roy Moore, and unlike many other Republican leaders, wanted him to win. But he didn’t, and probably won’t,” the president tweeted.

Cue Sleepy Sessions. If he does run, as I mentioned above, he will probably win. However, considering what a dismal failure he was as the Attorney General, and how President Trump finally fired his useless ass after the midterms, don’t look to him as being anything other then a swamp dwelling Uniparty RINO, who will put himself first and everyone else last. Hopefully, the Alabama Republicans will find a decent candidate who will bury Moore the Moron and crush Jones at the polls.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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