Trump continues his assault on liberal courts

Good day all. One thing almost all Republicans, (And not a single Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat), agree on is President Trump’s judicial appointments. Since he took office, he has appointed more judges then Obama and Bush.

This has started to change the makeup of of a number of courtrooms where judges have a long history of flat out ignoring the Constitution, such as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Long known as the most overturned court in America, it’s starting to lose that title as President Trump fills all the open slots, all the while, ignoring what Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris have to say about it. Now President Trump has appointed another group of judges for the Kalifornistan courts. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Trump nominated a slew of judges Friday to posts on California-based federal courts, ramping up efforts to reshape the judiciary after hitting a milestone earlier this month with the confirmation of the 150th federal judge on his watch.

Two nominations are for the influential San Francisco-based Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, a long-liberal bench with jurisdiction across the American West whose political makeup has shifted with Trump’s aggressive appointment campaign.

Give President Trump another term and a Republican controlled senate and watch the 9th Circus turn into a court that can actually be respected again.

Among the nominees is Patrick Bumatay, a federal prosecutor in the Southern District of California whom Trump nominated last year for the same job. But objections from California Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, over his lack of judicial experience and other issues, derailed the nomination.

Trump later nominated Bumatay, who is openly gay, to a district court seat but his name resurfaced over the summer for a possible comeback bid for the Ninth Circuit amid a new vacancy.

Last year, President Trump actually considered the opinions of Feinstein and Harris to be important. Now, thanks to their complete disregard for anything like due process, honesty and the like, President Trump is now ignoring anything they have to say.

While it is traditional for a nominee’s home-state senators to give their approval, it is not required, and Trump lately has bypassed the so-called “blue slip” tradition in order to get conservative judges on the bench.

Feinstein and Harris pretty much ruined themselves over the Kavanaugh hearings. They flat out lied and were caught out, and now, as far as the Republicans and President Trump are concerned, are nothing more then senatorial dust covers protecting the seats in the Senate.

While Democrats have fumed at the tactics, conservatives cheered Trump this month for seeing the 150th federal judge confirmed.

This is a historic milestone,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement. “As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will continue to push through highly qualified, conservative judges at all levels of the federal courts.”

There are many reasons why the Democrats are fuming. The first part is all due to the former senate majority leader, dingy Harry Reid. That corrupt dirtbag made sure that there was nothing the Republicans could due when it came to putting Obama judges on the bench. He’s the one who set precedent by doing away with the filibuster. Now Mitch McConnell is returning the favor in spades.

The Ninth Circuit has been a focal point given the sprawling territory it covers and its record in decades past of liberal-leaning rulings.

Liberal leaning? Under the that flaming moonbat, Stephen Reinhardt, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals became the most overturned court in the country and earned the sobriquet, “The 9th Circus.”

Under Trump, the court has shifted more moderate with the addition of seven Trump-appointed judges. Nearly half of the 29 seats are now occupied by GOP-appointed judges. Last year, that number stood at six.

At the rate things are going, the 9th Circuit could end up being the most conservative, in the sense of being populated with judges who read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, all the amendments and the writings of the people who wrote the document and issue rulings that reflect what the Constitution says. They don’t “Find” rights that were never part of the Constitution, or consider it a “Living document.” This is why Progressives hate the judges that President Trump has been nominating.

Earlier this month, (October, 2019), the court handed Trump a win as it lifted a nationwide injunction on his controversial asylum policy, ruling that for now the injunction should only apply to states within the circuit.

This is one of the issues cropping up thanks to Obama. Most of the anti-Trump rulings from local and district judges were made by Obama Judges, and then they issued court orders against the Trump administration that were nationwide. In other words, they decided that they were the law and that they were going to impose their findings outside of their jurisdictions. The Supreme Court has begun slapping these judicial tyrants down and hard.

Trump also scored a victory from a California district court on Thursday when a Bush-appointed judge granted a request to block, for now, a law requiring presidential candidates to release tax returns in order to run in the state primaries.

Without a doubt, a liberal judge or an Obama judge, (Not that there is much of a difference of course), would have ruled in favor of the tyrants of Kalifornistan and caused President Trump’s name to be removed from the ballot. Why? Two reasons. First, they hate President Trump and the Republicans, and second, they hold the Constitution in utter contempt. The Constitution lays down the requirements to run for President and showing your tax returns isn’t one of them.

Democrats, though, have accused the Trump administration, along with GOP allies in the Senate, of destroying congressional custom by moving past consultations with home-state senators. Feinstein, in a floor speech over the summer about another Ninth Circuit nomination, said, “This disregard of blue slips represents another breakdown of Senate traditions.”

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All I can say to the Democrats is, “It sucks to be you!” The Democrats have for decades stacked the courts with judges who would rule in their favor if they could. They have a long history of ignoring the Constitution outright. They knew that the voters would pass referendums that would reverse some socialist law the ruling Democrats passed, and that the only way to reverse it would be to get one of their pet judges to do it for them.

The Democrats also never considered that they would lose the 2016 election, and that they would be able to continue putting judges on the bench who were more then willing to destroy the individual rights and liberties Americans hold dear. Now they are learning what happens when they go to far. Thankfully, the rule of law is prevailing and the need for the 2nd Amendment reset button being pushed is receding…for now.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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