Sleepy Sessions wants his old job back

Good day all. Former Attorney General Jeff, “Sleepy” Sessions was the senior senator from Alabama when President Trump asked him to be his attorney general. During the confirmation hearings, Sleepy Sessions surprised President Trump by saying he would recuse himself for the Russian election interference investigation.

This put the oversight of the investigation into the hands of the very people who were working to overthrow President Trump and negate the 2016 election. President Trump was obviously a bit peeved about this, however, pressure from the RINO wing of the Beltway Uniparty kept him from canning Sessions. Then came the midterm elections and within days, Sleepy was sent back to his bedroom in Alabama.

Most people assumed that was that when it came to Sleepy, but sadly, no. It seems this worthless swamp dweller misses the smelly muck of the Beltway swamp and wants to get his old seat back in 2020. Here are the details from The Hill:

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to announce plans to run for his former Senate seat on Thursday, multiple sources told The Hill.

A source familiar with Sessions’s plans said that the former Alabama senator “will come out forcefully in support of [President] Trump’s agenda while denouncing Democrats’ impeachment efforts. And steps have already begun to hire campaign staff.”

Gee, I seem to recall another senatorial candidate who “Came out forcefully” for President Trump’s agenda, and once he was elected, promptly turned on President Trump. Now, I wonder who that might be?

Oh yes, him. I expect nothing different from Sleepy Sessions, if the rumors from the early days of the Trump Administration are true. The rumor? That Sleepy Sessions was one of the cabinet secretaries who was on board with removing President Trump under the 25th Amendment.

Three sources familiar with the plans said the announcement would be made Thursday, with multiple sources saying it would be made during an appearance on Fox News on Thursday evening. The deadline to file for the Senate race is Friday, (November 8th).

Which he did. Sessions probably thinks the election is basically his, since he held the seat, (Basically was super-glued to it), for so long. The only reason it went to the Democrats was some games they played during the primary that caused a real nutcase with some serious, (although not illegal), baggage to be selected. However, there are others who are as good as Sessions and probably a bit more trustworthy.

Jumping into the Alabama race would put a national focus on Sessions’s rocky relationship with Trump.

Sessions held the Senate seat from 1997 until 2017, when he was tapped to serve as Trump’s first attorney general. But he quickly fell out of favor with the president after recusing himself from oversight of the Russia probe, eventually leaving the administration in November 2018, a day after the midterm elections, at Trump’s request.

If President Trump had known that Sleepy Sessions would walk away from his duties, he would never have appointed him in the first place. Well, President Trump has corrected that mistake and appointed William Barr as Attorney General, and it looks like we won’t be calling him “Sleepy” anytime soon, much to the blind terror of the Democrats.

Sessions would be joining a crowded primary field that includes Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.), former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, businessman Stanley Adair, state Rep. Arnold Mooney and Roy Moore, the 2017 GOP nominee who lost to Sen. Doug Jones (D) in the special election to fill Sessions’s former seat.

I think we can write off any chance of Roy UnMoored from winning the primary. He was the only reason the Democrats won the seat. As for the others? I can’t speak to them, since I know nothing about them. This is for the Republican voters to decide.

Some Republicans, including his potential opponents, are not keen on Sessions launching a bid to return to the Senate.

“I think it would be a mistake for him and really bad for the state given the president’s extreme displeasure with him. Alabama is very pro-Trump,” Byrne told The Hill on Tuesday.

If Sessions had stepped down as AG under better circumstances, such as having cleaned up the mess left by Obama, Lynch and Holder, people would probably look at his seeking to return to his old seat far more enthusiastically. Now?

Sessions also does not have the blessing of key Republicans. Since kicking the tires on a potential run, Sessions has yet to speak with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) or Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), the chairman of the Senate GOP campaign arm, according to a Senate Republican operative.

I suspect they will remain silent during the primary, and if Sessions wins, then will work with him to get the Democrat out of the Senate. Jones has always been seen as nothing more then a placeholder. Provided the Republicans choose anyone but Roy UnMoored, Jones will be on his way back to Alabama in 2021.

As for Sessions being the choice? He has a lot of baggage the other candidates can use against him. He is a dyed in the wool Beltway swamp creature and we’ve seen just how enthusiastic he was as AG to help drain the swamp. The people of Alabama should not reward him by returning him to Washington. That, of course, is my opinion, and we know how well my opinion mattered to the people of Utah.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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