Crooked Democrats in the News, Part 87448

Good day all. As the Democrat’s coup attempt against President Trump continues to blow up around them, news has been found of yet another Democrat who was committing fraud against the Taxpayers.

Granted, crooked Democrat politician is a standing headline these days, however, the heights some Progressive Liberal Democrats strive for in their corruption is remarkable, as is their utter incompetence at it. In this case, we have a New York Deomcrat who tried to fleece the taxpayers of $100,000 dollars. Here are the details from Fox News:

The New York state lawmaker elected to replace a politician busted for stealing Superstorm Sandy money has herself raised ethics questions — after trying to score $100,000 for a group that doesn’t exist, The Post has learned.

Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus (D-Brooklyn) tried to land the cash for the Southern Brooklyn Community Think Tank, which she promised to set up days after her November 2018 election to “change the face of politics” in the area.

Frontus said she couldn’t understand all the fuss over her failed political-pork request. “It’s not an entity, it’s just a name,” said Frontus, who previously founded two Coney Island-based social services nonprofits. “It’s not something real.”

I think that is the problem stupid. It wasn’t real, it was a fake organization you created out of hole clothe for the sole purpose of scamming the taxpayers and enriching yourself. Of course, Democrats are herd creatures and other Democrats see nothing wrong in what you were trying to do. After all, Progressive Liberal Democrats are the “Special People” who’s purpose in life is to rule over the peon, proles and serfs. It is the duty of the peons, proles and serfs to hand over their money to the Democrats.

Assembly spokesman Mike Whyland insisted Frontus didn’t break any laws because the think tank is merely an “idea.”

But she never filed paperwork with state or federal authorities to establish the group — despite asking Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie for the funding, which he refused.

How do you ask for $100,000 in funding for a group that doesn’t exist and think it’s OK?” said one Brooklyn legislator. “This request reeks of corruption and raises many legal and ethical questions.”

Heastie, he believes, “rightly turned down” Frontus’ request. State law says lawmakers cannot “participate in any state contracting decision” that results in payment to themselves, family or an entity in which they have more than a $1,000 stake. Violators face fines of up to $40,000.

I have little doubt that Frontus will hold a fundraiser to pay any fines, and probably keep any overages for herself. You know, to “Cover expenses.”

Albany legislators have a long history of skirting the law at the expense of nonprofits they founded. Disgraced ex-state Sen. Pedro Espada Jr. was found guilty in 2012 of looting more than $500,000. Former state Sen. Shirley Huntley was convicted stealing from a charity to go on shopping sprees.

Would you care to play “Guess the party?” You have two choices. Democrat or Republican. Considering that the Democrats control New York, and have a long history of corruption, it won’t be hard to guess which political party they’re affiliated with. I could go a bit more granular, but let’s be honest. Skin color doesn’t matter. This kind of rot goes right to the core of the individual. Now the only questions remaining are: When is Frontus resigning and when is she going to be indicted?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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