Fauxahontas Warren’s plan to enslave America

Good day all. Senator Elizabeth “Lie-a-watha” Warren has been running for the Democrat presidential nomination for about 6 months. (I guess she can’t be bothered to do her real job of representing Massachusetts) He basic platform has been telling people about all the free stuff she intends to give people if elected.

One of the problems with Princess Little Big Liar has been her lack of details in such things as paying for everything. She recently provided some details on how to pay for her socialist medical system by “Taxing the rich!” The problem with that was Warren’s obvious lack of skill in arithmetic. That and the obvious results of her plan being the targets of her confiscatory tax plan would simply leave the country.

Another problem for Lie-a-watha is her love of big government. She firmly believes that we need more government agencies to control the American people. Recently, she released a list of new departments and agencies she plans on setting up. Here are the details from Fox News:

A Fox News analysis of the Democratic presidential candidate’s myriad and much-touted plans reveals that Warren’s ambitious agenda of policy prescriptions would not only prompt sweeping change in everything from health care to clean energy, but would come with the creation of at least 20 offices, bureaus, agencies, divisions or councils.

Some of these are entirely new; some would replace existing agencies, only on a bigger scale; and some would represent a relaunch of old agencies disbanded years ago. Taken together, what is proposed is a significant expansion in the size of the federal bureaucracy.

Some of the things Warren intends to impose is a requirement that a company get “Permission” from the government to operate. Further, companies worth a billion or more dollars would have to submit to government control. Basically, she intends to nationalize most of the United States economy, and it gets worse. Below is the list of new or expanded departments this totalitarian bitch wants to create.

A Tenant Protection Bureau modeled after the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which would “enforce tenants’ rights, take on bad actors, and make sure landlords keep affordable housing affordable for working families.”

So much for property rights. She’s talking about nationwide rent control, which guarantees housing shortages. In short order, I would expect her to move on personal houses and informing people who much they might sell them for.

Borrowing from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Warren would “recruit 10,000 young people and veterans to jumpstart a 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps,” to care for natural resources and public lands, adding on a fourth division to the three that currently exist under AmeriCorps.

I had forgotten that Americorp was still in existence. I actually thought that failure had been shut down some time ago. As for her version of the Civilian Conservation Corps? That was nothing more then a make work program created by the Roosevelt administration. It didn’t actually do much. Of course, since unemployment is so low, not many people are going to want to go into this thing. Well guess what? It may not be in the plans, but you can bet that Big Chief Sitting Bullshit is eyeing conscription.

A “Green Marshall Plan” that “includes a new federal office dedicated to selling American-made clean, renewable, and emission-free energy technology abroad and a $100 billion commitment to assisting countries to purchase and deploy this technology.”

The Green New Deal rears it’s ugly $100 Trillion dollar head again. This has already been thoroughly discredited and Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s former Chief of Staff, who came up with this, has admitted it was nothing more then a plan to institute socialism/communism on America.

A “Green Apollo Program” that includes the creation of a National Institutes of Clean Energy in the model of the National Institutes of Health.

Say goodbye to your car, having heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer, and, oh yes, having electricity.

A “labor and environmental enforcement division under the United States Trade Representative,” which would be tasked with ensuring countries the U.S. trades with engage in sustainable environmental practices.

Translation: Lie-a-watha intends to go full imperial. Other countries will have to submit to her views on everything or they won’t be allowed to sell anything in the United States. Just watch the unemployment rate in Turd World countries skyrocket. I guess Warren is a typical White Liberal. She hates anyone who isn’t an Aryan like herself.

A Secure Democracy Administration to replace the Election Assistance Commission, though it would be vastly more powerful. It would provide “technical assistance and training” to states implementing Warren’s election security measures and have the power to take over election administration in states the federal government deems not in compliance with its standards.

Say goodbye to one person, one vote! We’re already seeing states pushing back at the Voting Rights Act that allowed the Federal Government to interfere in elections in the southern states. Granted there were serious issues at the time the Act was signed into law, but that was almost two generations ago and the times have changed. Of course, in those states, they tend to prefer freedom and individual liberty, something Princess Little Big Liar and the other Progressive Liberal Totalitarian Democrats hate.

Warren would bring back the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, which was disbanded in 1995, to reduce the legislature’s reliance on tech companies and think tanks to explain how new advances in technology work and what they mean.

Reviewing what this tyrant is talking about, it has nothing to do with teaching members of congress how things work and more about imposing her will on technology companies. Does this stuttering thundercunt understand that most tech companies support most of the socialist drivel the Progressive Liberals want to impose? Of course, they fully expect to be exempted from it, and this would mean they would be forced to comply, or else.

An office in the VA dedicated to representing family members who care for veterans and ensuring they know about government resources that are available to them.

If there isn’t such an organization already in place, I would be very surprised. Of course, with Fauxahontas, there will be an ulterior motive. It certainly won’t be what veterans and civilians think it is.

A newly created Department of Economic Development which would replace the Commerce Department and subsume the Small Business Administration and the Patent and Trademark Office. It would run a Small Business Equality Fund dedicated to boosting “black, Latinx, and Native American” small business owners; produce National Jobs Strategies every four years; and oversee trade authorities like the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

Oh boy, here it is. The Communist favorite. Five Year plans, or in this case, Four Year Plans, that have no basis in reality. You will notice that Warren has explicitly ignored people of European and Asian decent. Without any doubt, it will be staffed by people who have never held an actual job in the “Dreaded Private Sector” and have no idea how the real world works. What you will see is hiring by skin color, not by qualification. There is the other little issue that the economy is going so well right now, that this whole department is a waste of money and resources, unless the goal is to drive the economy into the toilet and flush repeatedly.

An Office of Broadband Access within the new Department of Economic Development to “manage a new $85 billion federal grant” on broadband access, particularly to rural areas.

Manage broadband access? I think I see the nationalization of Comcast and other companies coming. While I think that Comcast should be broken up, what Warren wants is centralized control of the internet. Also, following the link, this isn’t just about Broadband access. She also wants to “Build a sustainable farm economy that protects the environment.” Say goodbye to modern American farming techniques that feeds the world and hello to mass starvation.

A “new labor enforcement division at the USTR to more effectively enforce obligations, and embed a labor attaché at U.S. embassies to monitor compliance with our labor standards.”

To which nations like China tell Princess Little Big Liar to take a long walk off a short pier. Again, Warren, like all Progressives, is basically an imperialist. She wants to force her ideas on other countries, whether they like it or not. The way I see it, if a country doesn’t abide by her orders, she will destroy their economy. Of course, that presumes we have an economy after she gets done with it.

A “Permanent, Cabinet-Level White House Council on Native American Affairs” like the council that was established under Obama but has “gone dead” under Trump because it was not permanent.

I see that the Fake Indian wants to take care of her tribe, The Fabulators.

A “New White House Budgetary Office of Tribal Affairs” within the OMB with potentially “a director’s office level Tribal officer,” to “track and advance government-wide progress” in dealings with Native Americans.

The actual purpose of this office will be to make sure no one can track the money looted from the treasury and shipped to her Cayman Islands bank account.

A “national Office of the Public Advocate,” which would be responsible for engaging citizens as federal agencies make “important legal changes” during the “rulemaking process.”

This agency will be used to suppress any dissent by anyone that goes against the Church of Global Warming and Climate Change. (Algore be praised!) This will include any actual climate scientists who provide hard evidence that the whole Man Caused Climate Change is noting more then a crock of shit.

A “new U.S. Office of Public Integrity” to investigate and punish ethics violators.

By this, Warren means any REPUBLICAN or Conservatives. She has no intention of going after the true ethics violators, the Democrat Party.

An Office of United States Corporations, which would require large corporations to obtain a charter from the U.S. government obligating them to “consider the interests of all corporate stakeholders – including employees, customers, shareholders, and the communities in which the company operates.”

And there is the announcement that she intends to nationalize all businesses and put her cronies in charge. The first thing that will happen is the complete collapse of a publicly traded company’s stock price followed by the collapse of all the Individual Retirement Accounts and 401K’s.

Of course, although I haven’t seen that announced yet, you can bet that Warren will seize all that private retirement money and put it into the Social Security system, which means it will end up in the pockets of Congress.

Warren plans to “reopen and expand the DOJ’s Office for Access to Justice,” a body that sought to ensure state and local defendants had access to lawyers.

It was closed because it wasn’t needed. There is this thing called the “Public Defender’s Office.” If you can’t afford a lawyer, one will be provided at no charge. Hasn’t Lie-a-watha ever atched law and Order?

An “independent prosecutorial integrity unit to hold accountable prosecutors who abuse their power.” Warren also says she would change the rules concerning plea bargaining and discovery by the DOJ.

Following the link, basically, Warren intends to make sure only those who vote Republican are prosecuted and sent to prison. As for all those who actually commit crimes, like robbery, rape and murder? No problem! These are people just expressing themselves! Oh, I think it would be safe to add that if someone were to use a gun to protect themselves from her natural constituency, they are the ones who would be prosecuted.

Warren would restore the USDA’s Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration, which Trump eliminated as a standalone agency and now falls under the Agriculture Marketing Service.

President Trump got rid of it because it was redundant.

An Office of New Americans that would support, “new immigrants as they transition into our society and economy, and task that office to draft a national strategy for integration.”

That we will need since Warren intends to throw open the borders and let millions into the United States. I assume that she will shut down the Immigration and Border Control sections of ICE since they would no longer be needed.

This entire plan should scare the crap out of anyone who believes in individual rights, liberty and freedom. What Warren is planning to do is right out of every dictator’s playbook. If Fauxahontas were to actually implement this plan, along with all the other stupid ideas she has, it would crater the United States economy in months, not years. Any business worth over a billion dollars would, for all intents and purposes, be taken over by one of Warren’s minions.

If you want to fast forward to the day after the 2020 election, and the results are Warren is the winner and the Democrats controls both the house and senate? The stock market will see a sell off of massive proportions. It wouldn’t surprise me to see the tripwires repeatedly hit that cause all trading to be suspended. A 10,000 point drop in weeks would not be surprising as investors convert to cash.

Within a year of Warren taking office, provided all this went through, the unemployment rate would be skyrocketing. People who had found jobs for the first time in years under President Trump would be out on the streets again with no prospects. Things would only get worse. As Warren’s “Cunning plans” continue to fail, people would start getting angry and probably violent. In order for her to survive, she would move to the next step, turning the DHS into a full blown secret police force.

However, there is a light at the end of that nightmarish tunnel. Big Chief Sitting Bullshit’s poll numbers are starting to crater. Failed South Bend, Indiana mayor, Peter Buttplug has started moving on Warren. His main claim to fame is that he’s a politically correct homosexual mayor, and that’s why we should make him president. From what I understand, and I haven’t really looked into it yet, while the rest of the state has been doing well, the city he’s been mismanaging has high crime, corruption and all the usual Democrat successes.

He may win the Nomination, however, his record will be a very inviting target for President Trump. President Trump will only need to do one thing. Borrow from Ronald Reagan’s 1984 re-election campaign the one slogan that buried Walter Mondale. “Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago?” While the media will lie, all the voters need to do is look in their wallets. President Trump could carry 45+ states.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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