Dear Gun grabbers. You might want to look these sales figures

Good day all, Black Friday is now over, (Thank GOD!), and some interesting sales figures are now coming out. One that should give the usual suspects on the left are firearm sales.

Once again, firearm sales were through the roof. Here are the details from Tribunist:

According to the FBI, over 200,000 background check requests associated with the purchase of a firearm were submitted to the agency on Black Friday, marking the second highest gun sales day ever. The previous record was set on the day after Thanksgiving in 2016. In both 2017 and 2016, enough guns were potentially purchased on Black Friday to arm every active duty United States Marine.

USA Today reported that, in total, the FBI states they fielded 202,465 requests during the 24-hour period associated with Black Friday, just under the prior record of 203,086.

The background check is required for every commercial sale of a firearm, including gun shows. What isn’t counted is the actual number of firearms sold per background check. Someone who undergoes the check could be buying 2 or more guns.

In some cases, a single background check could be associated with more than one gun purchase if a shopper decided to buy more than one during a single trip. Additionally, not all who apply are ultimately approved, so some applications would not result in a purchase.

There are some people who have lost the rights under the 2nd Amendment, usually due to being convicted criminals. However, there are other constitutionally questionable reasons someone might be denied their rights. Finally, the data could be just flat out wrong.

I know of someone who is regularly denied. He has never committed a crime, but his identity was stolen by someone who did, so he fails the check. He has to jump through hoops when he buys a gun. Sadly, there is no way I know of to purge the bad data from the system.

In 20 states, individuals with a concealed carry permit are exempt from the background check requirement, based on guidelines set by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), so they could make a purchase without having to send additional information to the FBI, leaving those sales potentially uncaptured by the FBI’s background check application data.

The theory is that the checks for a CCW would show people who had lost their 2nd Amendment rights. Of course, you have states like New Hampshire where no government permission is required to exercise your right to carry a gun. We doe have to go through the Progressive Liberal Democrat’s faulty background check process.

Much of the activity can likely be associated with the numerous sales and rebates gun manufacturers and sellers offered on Black Friday. These numbers also do not take into account firearms which were purchased online. Those firearms will then be shipped to a license seller in the purchaser’s area and a background check will be done when they pick up the firearm, so those checks could be spread out over the following weeks.

The way this works is you go online to a firearms dealer and place your order. You supply the documentation needed, (Shipping address, and the Federal dealer information), of the place your purchase is sent to. Once it arrives, you go in, fill out the federal paperwork, the background check is done and you walk out with your constitutionally protected item. So the actual number of firearms purchased is going to be even higher.

If the numbers even somewhat accurately capture the number of firearms sold, Americans purchased enough guns to arm every member of the approximately 182,000 active duty US Marines.

When President Trump won in 2016, firearms sales, which had been going up in anticipation of the Felonia von Pantsuit administration, cratered. While the background check statistics were record making, overall sales have declined. The reason was simple. President Trump wasn’t going to grab guns. Oh there is this thing with the bumpstocks, but that was political and is of questionable constitutionality.

Now we have the Democrat presidential candidates going full totalitarian on what they are going to do if, somehow, they are elected, and you have others like Adam Schifthead and No Nads Nadler who are working hard on their coup plot. Most people don’t believe that the Senate would be stupid enough to remove President Trump, (The Democrats had impeachment as their sole goal this term even if it is a party line vote), but if the Never Trumpers did, well, all those guns would probably end up being used in ways most people, myself included, really do not want.

This may be one reason sales have gone up. Also, there are a lot more people working and making a lot more money and they want to go out and buy things that go bang. Since sales have been down, there have been a lot of deals. Now Christmas and Hanukkah are coming and I won’t be surprised if even better deals come out.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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