Progressives continue to wreck New York

Good day all. Shortly after scamming her way into office, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex helped kill a plan by Amazon to bring something like 25,000 high paying jobs to New York. Now her reign of error continues. This time the Progressives of New York have killed another 15,000 potential jobs in Brooklyn.

The Progressive Liberal Democrats have been running New York City and State into the ground for decades. With the incompetence of Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo and the flat out stupidity of Bill “Dumbass” de Blasio, this is 40,000 direct jobs that have just been flushed down the toilet. Here are the details of the latest debacle from the New York Post:

Brooklyn’s Industry City yanked its application to the City Council on Wednesday to repurpose much of the sprawling Sunset Park campus after running into new opposition from Brooklyn’s Democratic establishment — killing a deal that boosters estimated would create 15,000 jobs amid the COVID-19 downturn.

Andrew Kimball, the CEO of Industry City, told The Post that he had ended the years-long campaign to change the zoning rules applied to the 16-building waterfront complex in Sunset Park.

Despite strong support from a growing number of Council Members, the City Planning Commission, a broad coalition of Sunset Park residents and small businesses, and members of the clergy, as well as civic, business and labor leaders and many others who care about New York and its future, it is clear that the current political environment and a lack of leadership precludes a path forward for our rezoning proposal,” Kimball said in a statement.

Over and over, we have heard from key decision makers that while the substance of the project is strong, the politics of the moment do not allow them to support any private development project.”

Interestingly, two people who could have saved this project said nothing.

Both Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council Speaker Corey Johnson stayed silent on the redevelopment proposal.

The project was meant to take some old and disused warehouses and convert them to office spaces, classrooms and other purposes. There is also an old power station that would have been demolished and a new building put up in it’s place. This would have probably generated at least a thousand construction jobs in addition to the 15,000 other, permanent jobs the complex would have generated. This doesn’t include the secondary jobs that would have been created to support the 15K people working in the new facilities. Now why would the Brooklyn politicians want to stop people from getting some good jobs?

The move was fiercely opposed by top Brooklyn lawmakers — including Councilman Carlos Menchaca, whose district encompasses Sunset Park — and critics who feared it would cause gentrification in the neighborhood.

Gentrification is the least of the problems. In fact it isn’t a problem. What is happening is the abandonment of New York City, the Burroughs, heck the entire state by the most productive people, (That would be taxpayers), thank to Marxist idiots like this fool, Carlos Menchaca.

A contingent of Democrats, including Reps. Hakeem Jeffries, Yvette Clarke, Nydia Velazquez and Jerrold Nadler penned a letter to de Blasio and the City Council Tuesday, urging them to thwart the rezoning project, saying it would “supercharge the displacement and gentrification that is undermining Sunset Park’s affordability and blue-collar job base.”

This is nothing more then a load of horse manure. The jobs that would have been created would have covered the entire spectrum, from high end office workers to the service workers in restaurants and sales people in local stores. What interests me is that Jerry No Nads Nadler was opposed to this. I hope his opponent in the 2020 general election, Dylan Stevenson is paying attention. This is a perfect opportunity to show No Nads Nadler’s constituents just how little he cares about their well being. Killing the potential jobs of 15,000+ people is not going to look good.

As of now, the Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazis are pushing a “Public Plan.” In other words, they are looking to loot the city, state and federal treasuries to enrich themselves and their supporters. As for the “Plan” they have in mind? I doubt they actually have one. Instead, they’re left with yet another Progressive Liberal wasteland. Maybe the voters might actually pull their heads out of their asses and realize that keeping these losers in office only hurts them. Somehow, I doubt it will.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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