Mass. Nursing Home ready to murder more elderly people

Good day all. One of the things that happened during the Great Panicdemic of 2020 was the orders by Democratic CommuNazi and a few RINO Governors to put patients with the Wuhan Flu into nursing homes that really were not set up to handle them.

In New York alone, the order by Governor Andrew Flaming Cuomo killed at least 10,000 people. (We may never know for sure, thanks to the cover up) In Massachusetts, the RINO governor, Charlie Baker did the same thing. It took a while, but this policy was stopped. Now a Massachusetts nursing home wants to start up the slaughter once again. Here are the details from The Blaze:

A Massachusetts nursing home is set to begin accepting coronavirus patients as some people are sounding the alarm that it might lead to deaths among those most susceptible to the virus.

Willow Manor in Lowell announced on Tuesday that they would have a portion of their facility isolated in order to accept COVID-19 patients. Some staff members and residents will be dedicated to those patients and not intermix in order to prevent spread of the virus.

What is going through the minds of whoever dreamed this up that this was a good idea? Unless the facility is going to be used ONLY by patents with the China Virus, they are opening themselves up to some major issues. I’m not the only one asking “WTF, Over?

State Rep. Marc Lombardo criticized the move and called it “insanity” in a tweet.

“While we are restricting people from attending Church due to COVID concerns, MA is allowing long term care facilities like Willow Manor in Lowell to take in outside COVID patients,” he tweeted.

“MA has nearly 7000 deaths already (65% of all MA deaths) in long term care facilities. Insanity,” he added.

Well, first things first. Nursing homes are usually full of people who are either very old, or very sick with long term illnesses. These are the people who have what are called “Preexisting conditions.” That number thrown around, 7000 deaths? Very very few of those were people who died only of the China Virus. Most people who die have those preexisting conditions I mentioned. There is also a good possibility that a fair number of those deaths had nothing to do with the virus, other then they tested positive. There are a number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 that were a actually caused by things like gun shots, car accidents and other things that had nothing to do with the virus. The term for this is “Fraud.”

Lombardo said in a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders that he would seek a ban on coronavirus patients being sent to nursing homes.

“Given the vulnerability of the populations and the extremely high COVID death numbers to date, why on earth would we ever permit a long-term care facility to create a new COVID positive unit?” wrote Lombardo in the letter.

I don’t have a problem with this at all, Banning nursing homes, unless they are specifically set up to handle infectious diseases, should have been done some time ago. As to why the nursing home is taking in China Virus patients, they were requested to.

Willow Manor officials said that they were asked to open the facility to coronavirus patients because of a spike in hospitalizations.

“This new COVID unit will allow for proactive collaboration and seamless care coordination with local hospitals, as we are able to provide patients a safe environment for their continuum of care needs,” said center executive director Monica Roman.

I have some questions regarding these hospitalizations. Are these patients suffering from something else that puts them at high risk? Are they receiving the drug cocktail using Hydroxychloroquine and other medications that seems to knock the virus down quickly? Is Baker one of the governors who thinks he knows better then doctors and has banned the use of these medications?

Another question I have is the facility itself. Is it a separate building? Are the care givers being kept away from the other residents to avoid any accidental contamination? Who was the moron who asked this facility to take in Wuhan Flu patients? And finally, just how many are we talking about here? There are a lot of questions we need answers to. Then we have the families of the residents. I think they might be a bit concerned about this idiotic idea.

The families of the residents at the facility are worried.

“I can’t think of a worse idea,” said Darlene Torre, who has two relatives at Willow Manor. “This is putting the most vulnerable in harm’s way.”

This dumb idea needs to be shut down right now. If this came out of some government office, someone needs to be fired. However, this is the People’s Democratic Republic of Taxachusetts, and accountability is something the ruling elite is very adept at avoiding. This includes the RINO governor too.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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