Gov. Chris Sununu whines that Republicans hate masks

Good day all. This post hit rather close to home since Anger Central is based in New Hampshire. The recent election saw the legislature flip back to Republican, and the Republican governor, Chris Sununu, win a third term. (Governors serve 2 year terms here)

Sununu hasn’t been the most brilliant of governors here, but he managed to hold the line against the Democratic CommuNazis that controlled the legislature last term. When they took over in 2018, the Democratic CommuNazis proceeded to try an enact the standard CommuNazi wish list. Massive tax increases, banning guns and turning New Hampshire into New Jersey.

When the China Virus first arrived, Sununu didn’t use it as a way to institute totalitarian control, at first. He was late to the party in wrecking the state’s economy and left the issue of masks to the local cities and towns. How things have changed. Here are the details from Newsmax:

The COVID-related death of New Hampshire’s state speaker prompted Gov. Chris Sununu to blast fellow Republican politicians who have refused to wear a mask. Dick Hinch, the 71-year-old newly elected Speaker of the House, was found dead in his home Wednesday. An an autopsy determined the cause of death was COVID-19.

“For those who are just out there doing the opposite just to make some ridiculous political point, it is horribly wrong,” Sununu said Thursday per Fox ”Please use your heads. Don’t act like a bunch of children, frankly.”

I question that autopsy report. Did the late speaker die of JUST the Wuhan Flu, or was it a contributing factor? That is something that those pushing all the violations of the state and federal constitutions won’t talk about. As for Sununu’s comments? Not everyone, (or anyone), agrees with them.

One conservative state lawmaker, wishing to remain anonymous, criticized Sununu for his comments.

“I don’t think his comments were appropriate,” the lawmaker told Fox News. “I don’t necessarily think it was appropriate the way it went down. That’s the kind of stuff you try to take care of in your own house.”

Sununu isn’t what most would consider a conservative. He isn’t quite the RINO that you have in places like Alabama or Ohio, but he’s moving in that direction.

Hinch’s death came amid a fierce debate in New Hampshire over wearing masks. The late speaker and about 50 fellow Republicans were photographed not wearing masks while celebrating election results on Nov. 9 after the party regained a majority in both the state House and Senate.

The election was rather interesting up here. There was a massive turnout at my polling place. It took me a good 45 minutes to get in to vote. The Republicans won the legislature and reelected Sununu, but the federal elections went for the Democratic CommuNazis. That is some serious ticket splitting here. Of course, I have seen blatant voter fraud up here in past elections, so…

Eleven days later, on the day Sununu signed an executive order mandating mask-wearing, Republican state representatives gathered for an indoor caucus meeting in which there was a lack of mask-wearing and social distancing. It later was determined at least four lawmakers contracted COVID-19 at that meeting.

Oh well, things happen. Speaking of which, how are the other three doing? Any word on them? Are they showing symptoms? Also, was the late speaker treated with the anti-malarial drugs with a little zinc and an antibiotic that seem to help knock down the Kung Flu?

Another New Hampshire Republican was even more critical of his maskless colleagues than Sununu.

“Those in our caucus who refused to take precautions are responsible for Dick Hinch’s death,” state Rep. William Marsh, a retired doctor, wrote on Twitter.

It’s a good thing this guy is retired. He might be called on the carpet regarding the joke that these masks are. They don’t actually do all that much to slow, let alone stop any airborne transmissions of any diseases. Considering what they list as “acceptable” masks, (Hello, a bandanna wrapped around your face? Really?), these mandates are nothing more then power trips by paranoid hypochondriacs.

The only time I wear a mask is when I have no choice, otherwise I ignore them. There are a lot of people who have gotten pretty fed up with this crap and are also starting to just say no. It may be time to remind Governor Sununu about Article 10 in the New Hampshire State constitution:

[Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

This isn’t some recent addition to the state constitution, it was inserted in 1784, and has been used in a number court cases where some arbitrary rule was imposed and someone ignored it. (A surprising number of people win these cases too) Sununu needs to understand that people have had enough of this nonsense. Out in Kalifornistan, there is a recall petition that is gaining signatures, and people out there are almost at the lynch mob stage. The China Virus civil rights violations have gone to far and now people are saying that’s it. Take the hint governor. Other Republican governors have.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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