Flaming Cuomo for Attorney General?

Good day all. There have been rumors that Dementia Joe might select New York Governor, (And mass murderer), Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo to be the United States Attorney General. Now those rumors are starting to coalesce into potential fact.

Flaming Cuomo has been mismanaging the state of New York for quite some time. He’s also been in a photo finish with a grand jury more then once. Currently, he is busy blaming everyone else for his incredible level of incompetence during the Great Panicdemic of 2020 that killed at least 10,000 people in nursing homes, all due to his orders. Why Dementia Joe thinks he would even make it through the hearings is beyond me. Here are the details from Bloomberg:

President-elect Joe Biden is considering New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to be his attorney general, a person familiar with the matter said Friday night. Cuomo, a former attorney general of New York State, joins a small list of other candidates who Biden is weighing, including Alabama Senator Doug Jones, U.S. Circuit Court Judge Merrick Garland and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

Now let’s take this group apart, shall we? First, Doug Jones. He does seem qualified, and honestly, I know almost nothing about him. However, he is a Democrat and that means he is not trustworthy. Next, failed supreme court nominee Merrick Garland.

Merrick Garland has gone through a confirmation hearing when Obama wanted to put him on the Supreme Court after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. The hearing showed that Garland never met a bureaucratic rule or regulation that he didn’t like. He is also doesn’t believer the 2nd Amendment means what it says and thinks that the people have no right to keep and bear arms. If approved, he will quickly bury any investigations into the Bidens or the Obama orchestrated coup attempt against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump.

Next we have Sally Yates. President Trump ended up firing her for insubordination. She is a Deep State operative and was involved in the coup attempt. She too will also bury any investigations into the Bidens as well as cover up and bury the investigations into the coup plotters. As for Flaming Cuomo?

If Cuomo were selected and confirmed, it would be his second stint in a presidential cabinet, after serving as Housing and Urban Development secretary during the Clinton administration.

And he was a complete failure there as well.

If nominated, Cuomo would face a difficult path to confirmation with opponents likely on both sides of the aisle.

Cuomo has been governor of New York since 2011 and has signed into law same-sex marriage, a $15 minimum wage and restrictions on guns. But he has enemies on the left, who say he’s been insufficiently progressive.

Cuomo not sufficiently Communist enough? He has instituted a virtual dictatorship in New York and driven the economy right into the dumpster. (Which he then set on fire) He was also instrumental in removing thousands of elderly people from being a burden on his rich patrons by arranging to have them killed by the Coronavirus. He fits the progressive mold to a “T.”

He drew national attention this year for his televised daily briefings on New York’s handling of the nation’s worst coronavirus outbreak. Critics pin responsibility on Cuomo for mishandling the state’s response and for creating unnecessary obstacles in New York City because of his strained relationship with Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Strained relationship? De Blasio is so incompetent he makes Cuomo look good.

By contrast, Jones, who lost his re-election race in November, would likely draw bipartisan support.

Ahh, then, I can see that he would probably be the one to be nominated. First, no one knows all that much about him. Second, he lost and is out of the Senate, so if he were nominated, it won’t cost the CommuNazis a seat in the senate.

Cuomo, on the other hand, would be ripped to shreds by the Republicans, and if they manage to hold the Senate, would kill his nomination deader then the thousands of people he killed in New York nursing homes. He may as well just tell President Harris Biden “Thanks, but no thanks.”


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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