Democrats being Democrats, threatening Trump supporters

Good day all. With the ongoing mess with the Stolen Election, tempers are starting to fray a bit. We also have the typical Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazi response to anything Trump. Recently, a Democrat member of the Michigan legislature threatened Trump supporters.

The person, one Representative Cynthia Johnson, put out a video where she was threatening to make Trump supporters pay. Now this is a bit of a complicated mess, but here are the details from Fox News:

Democrat Michigan state Rep. Cynthia Johnson was stripped of her committee seats by senior GOP state officials after she released a video on Facebook Tuesday, as a warning to Trump supporters who had left her threatening messages.

So this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful, walk lightly, we ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough,” she said in a three-minute-long video, warning harassers that the FBI had already identified one of the individuals.

And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right, be in order, make them pay,” she continued.

Now I am utterly opposed to making any threats against politicians, and frankly it is against the law. Rep. Johnson’s remarks regarding law enforcement action towards those who made threats is fine. Where she crossed the line was throwing her own threats and calling on people with military experience to attack anyone that crossed her.

Now the nitwits who started to harass Johnson in an unlawful manner were “triggered” by her attacks on people testifying in regards to the massive election fraud that took place in Michigan.

The targeted harassment of Johnson appeared after her aggressive questioning during a hearing last week, when President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, appeared in front of the state’s House Oversight Committee to testify on alleged voter fraud.

Johnson grew angry during the testimony, which consisted of witnesses alleging firsthand knowledge of what they believed was election and voter fraud. She repeatedly asked the chairman why the witnesses were not under oath.

There was a reason the witnesses were not under oath. It was the nature of the hearing.

Republican state representative, Matt Hall, told Fox News prior to the hearing that the witnesses would not be under oath because the hearing was an “informational working session” and not “legal proceedings.”

We’re an Oversight committee looking at how the election was conducted in Michigan and trying to find ways we can improve moving forward,” Hall said.

In any case, the plan for the moonbat to question the honesty of the witnesses blew up in her face when they announced they were perfectly willing to be sworn in if that was needed. Also, I believe all of the witnesses had provided affidavits that were signed under penalty of perjury if they had lied on them.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said her office had received more than 80 phone calls from people about the threats made to Johnson. But the Democratic prosecutor also criticized the state representative’s response.

The threats Rep. Johnson has received are appalling, ugly and deeply disturbing, but her response to those messages is also unacceptable and I strongly condemn both,” she said in a statement Wednesday.

As Michiganders, and as Americans, we cannot allow hateful rhetoric from a few individuals to drag the masses down into a spiral of unjust actions,” Nessel said. “It is never acceptable for anyone – especially a public servant – to incite violence or to threaten others with harm.”

From what I’ve been hearing from people on the ground in Michigan, things are getting very ugly. First you have the Governor, Wretched Gretchen Whitmer who has been acting as if she is the absolute ruler of Michigan and not the elected governor. Then there was the blatant vote rigging and ballot box stuffing that went on. By everything we have seen, President Trump should have won the state. It was the after hours ballot dumps along with keeping everything hidden from the Republican poll watchers which allowed the apparent “win” by Dementia Joe Biden.

People are enraged at the Great Election Theft of 2020. If the Democrats, including Cynthia Johnson, actually provided the transparency that people want, people might cool down. That people like here are doing just the opposite is the reason normally reasonable people are doing unreasonable things. As to what comes next? Stay tuned!


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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