DiFi being pushed out by Democrats?

Good day all. Senator Dianne Feinstein, (D-China), has been in the Senate since before the days of the Roman Empire. Like most of the Progressive Elite, she believes that she owns her Senate seat. However, it looks like there is a move afoot to gently push her out.

DiFi is rather ancient, and apparently the last few attempts to destroy President Trump’s Supreme Court nominees are seen as failures by the Left. Why is that you ask? Trump won and the Progressives lost. Now it appears that there is a move to get her to retire from office now, rather then hold on until her term, or life, ends. Here are the details from Fox News:

New Yorker staffer writer Jane Mayer published a story Thursday citing people familiar with Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s current situation saying her apparent cognitive decline has been “evident for several years.”

Those familiar with the senator’s current state told the New Yorker that Feinstein, 87, has been “seriously struggling” and that her short-term memory “has grown so poor that she often forgets she has been briefed on a topic, accusing her staff of failing to do so just after they have.”

So, she’s just a typical member of the Democratic CommuNazi leadership team then? So what evidence is there that, per Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s plan to execute anyone over 75 should be activated in the case of Dianne Feinstein?

During a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Big Tech, then-ranking member Feinstein asked Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey the same question twice. Dorsey answered the question the same way the second time she asked it.

Well, it’s possible that DiFi couldn’t believe what she heard and was asking Dorsey to repeat himself.

The mental fitness of other aging politicians, including President-elect Joe Biden, President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have also been questioned.

I would say that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump, is mentally sharper then most tacks. For 4 years, he played the Media and the Democratic CommuNazis like a fiddle, and managed to keep most of his promises in spite of their attempts to overthrow him. As for the senile Pedophile? There is a reason that crooked third rate party hack is called “Dementia Joe.”

Former aides told Mayer that rumors of the senator’s cognitive decline are exaggerated, while others familiar with her situation say it has been ongoing and that she gets upset when she forgets something.

“The staff is in such a bad position,” one former Senate aide told Mayer. “They have to defend her and make her seem normal.”

I’ve heard that one of the things she gets upset about is that her driver of 20 years isn’t around anymore. You know, the one who was a Chinese spy?

Another aide working for a different Democratic senator told Mayer that Feinstein is “an incredibly effective human being, but there’s definitely been deterioration in the last year. She’s in a very different mode now.”

That mode is senility. Frankly, she should resign from office and let the retired prostitute become the senior senatorial moonbat from the People’s Democratik Republik of Kalifornistan become the senior senator. I’m sure she’ll be more then happy to fulfill that role between blow jobs.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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