Secession movement on the ballot in Oregon

Good day all. There have been a number of attempts to secede from the Union. The last realistic movement happened around 1860 and didn’t go to well for the states that left. However, there is a different type of secession movement growing around the country. Towns, cities and counties that want to secede from their current state and join another.

Oregon is one such state that is seeing this happen. Under the tyrannical misrule of their current Queen Empress Governor, a number of what would be called “Red Counties” have seen their rights all but ended by the coastal elites running the state. Now these counties have decide enough is enough and are moving to leave Oregon and join with Idaho. Here are some of the details from the Idaho Statesman:

A group of residents in Oregon could be a step closer to their goal of joining Idaho. Voters in five Oregon counties will cast ballots May 18 on initiatives to join the state of Idaho, Move Oregon’s Border President Mike McCarter said Monday.

The group was already awarded measures in Grant, Malheur and Sherman counties, and it awaits signature verification in Baker and Lake counties, McCarter said. He said the group submitted 141% of the signatures required in those counties.

The reason that these counties would like to relocate to Idaho is simple. The current regime is ignoring their concerns and is actually harming them with the mandates and laws they are passing. Since the residents are being ignored when they petition for a redress their grievances, they see no point in staying where they aren’t wanted.

The group of conservative Oregonians created a petition last year to move Idaho’s border west to include part of their state, McClatchy News reported. It’s part of the “Greater Idaho” project, which would allow some Oregon counties to join a state that some people say more closely aligns with their political preferences.

It’s a complicated, multi-step process that would require local ballot measures and state and federal approval. The group hopes to eventually consume all but 14 of Oregon’s 36 counties.

Complicated is an understatement, but there is precedent. West Virginia did not want to be part of the Confederate States of America so they split off from Virginia. I understand that a few more counties in Virginia are thinking of seceding and joining West Virginia too, and for pretty much the same reasons.

Rural counties have become increasingly outraged by laws coming out of the Oregon Legislature that threaten our livelihoods, our industries, our wallet, our gun rights, and our values,” McCarter previously said. “We tried voting those legislators out but rural Oregon is outnumbered and our voices are now ignored. This is our last resort.”

The people in the rural counties are tired of being ignored, threatened and seeing their paychecks looted by the progressive liberal moonbats who have no idea what “Those country bumpkins” deal with daily, and, frankly, don’t care either.

Divisions in Oregon are getting dangerous, so we see the relocation of the border as a way to keep the peace. It’s not divisive,” McCarter said. “Oregon and Idaho are already divided by a state line. The problem is that the location of the state line was decided 161 years ago and is now outdated.”

Dangerous is an understatement. There is a split in Oregon, and frankly throughout the United States between the Urban people and those in Rural areas. People in cities are, out of touch with things like farming, and all the things that people who live in the countryside provide to the urban dwellers.

The urban people look out at the countryside as they drive through and think, “Oh! It’s pretty! I want it to be available for me to play in when I want to.” and so they come up with laws, regulations and other ideas that don’t have any bearing on things like reality.

For them, food comes from the supermarket. It’s always there and always will be. They have no conception on where food comes from. They will pontificate on Organic food, and rail against the use of pesticides. They scream and protest poultry, beef and pork farms while chowing down on steak, pork chops and chicken Parmesan. Clueless doesn’t begin to describe them.

Will this movement succeed? I don’t know, I’m 3000 miles away. I have no idea what the people of Idaho think of this, although if it does go through, they will have some serious beachfront property and potentially harbors for shipping. As for the Progressive state of Oregon? Without all those peons people that have been forced to support their stupid socialist ideas, they might find themselves facing the “Thatcher Conundrum.” At that point, they will be hoping for the Cascadia Fault to let go and wash all their troubles away.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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