It looks like Flaming Cuomo is losing his mojo

Good day all. The collapse of New York Govno Andrew Flaming Cuomo has been a sight to behold. 2 months ago, he could do no wrong. Now people are finally understanding that this flaming idiot has never done anything right since he took office.

Now the state legislature is getting ready to strip His Royal Idiotness of his emergency powers. Here are the details from Fox News:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s emergency powers would be limited by state legislators under new legislation, the leaders of the state’s Democratic legislative majorities announced Tuesday.

They said they had finalized a deal to strip Cuomo of his emergency coronavirus powers. It comes amid growing uproar surrounding his alleged treatment of women and his handling of the deadly coronavirus outbreak in the state’s nursing homes.

Sadly, they are more upset over Flaming Cuomo’s fondling of 20something women then they are over the thousands killed by Coumo’s eldercide orders.

State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, a longtime Cuomo ally, had at first resisted such measures. But on Tuesday, he joined State Sen. Andrew Stewart-Cousins, the Senate’s majority leader, to announce the move.

“A year into the pandemic, and as New Yorkers receive the vaccine, the temporary emergency powers have served their purpose – it is time for them to be repealed,” Heastie said in a statement.

And that’s his story and he’s sticking to it. The reality is that they can see that Flaming Cuomo is flaming out and about to crater hard, and they don’t want to be seen as giving him any aid lest they be indicted as well.

The change aims to prevent Cuomo from issuing new directives under emergency powers granted last year to combat the coronavirus pandemic, putting further restrictions on masks and shutdowns under local control. The governor would still be able to modify existing orders – such as the percentage of indoor capacity allowed at reopening restaurants.

Yeah, how about you totalitarian thugs just admit that you screwed up across the board and the orders were both unconstitutional and flat out ineffective? Oh wait, you would be admitting that you made a mistake and were wrong. Politicians never admit they’re ever wrong about anything. They just change their positions as new “facts” (such as the angry mob at their doors), become known.

The legislation also requires the governor to publicly post all current suspensions and directives on his website within 15 days of becoming law.

What, and give people warning before they are arrested and sent to the gulags for crimes they didn’t even known they had committed? Get into the Boxcar Comrade, we have a room for you in Gulag 16.

A growing number of Democratic lawmakers have called on Cuomo to resign following the sexual harassment allegations, including U.S. Rep. Kathleen Rice. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has often feuded with the governor, said that if the allegations are true, Cuomo cannot govern.

Flaming Cuomo has never governed, he has ruled. After 2 ½ terms in office, it’s finally sinking into the thick skulls of New Yorkers what a total loser this bozo is. With a bit of luck, he will soon be retiring to a nice federal prison somewhere.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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