President Trump knocks it out of the park…again

Good day all. Over the weekend, the greatest President in the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump, address the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), convention held at the Hyatt in Florida.

Sadly, I was unable to watch his speech. I was working last weekend and my first responsibility was to the company. (They do pay me after all) From what I have been reading, President Trump basically blew the Democratic CommuNazis and their RINO pals right out of the water, into orbit and then finished them off with the help of the United States Space Force. Here are some details from The Post Millennial:

Former President Donald Trump is giving the closing speech at CPAC on Sunday night, his first major speech since leaving office. He is expected to attempt to unify a Republican party that has been at risk of factionalizing between the establishment GOP and the new, more populist right that emerged under Trump’s leadership.

One of the things the GOP(e) has been worried about is President Trump forming a new party and pulling 80+ million people away from the Republican Party. President Trump laid that to rest. What he didn’t do was put the RINO’s and those that voted to impeach him at ease. From what I understand, and what we have been seeing, he is going after those betrayers hard.

From what I have read and heard, President Trump was a bit down when he went on stage at CPAC, but as his speech progressed and the crowd cheered him on, his spirits picked up and the old counterpuncher was back and floating like a butterfly and stinging like a swarm of angry hornets.

President Trump also didn’t say he was running again in 2024, but he also didn’t rule it out. Basically, he left the door open, the limo outside with the doors open and the engine running, which would take him to the airport and his waiting TrumpForce 1. Below is the YouTube video of President Trump’s speech. Enjoy it while you can. Without a doubt, it will be pulled by the CommuNazi censors for violating their community standards of showing anything that makes President Trump look great.


Surprising no one, Youcrap removed the original video with it’s usual garbage of violating Progressive Feelz. I found another version.

***Second Update***

The Fascist scum at YouTube has removed all instances of the CPAC speech given by President Trump. I have embedded the speech using Rumble.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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