Place your bets! Who’s gone first? Cuomo or Newsom?

Good day all. Things are looking pretty bleak for two of the Democratic CommuNazis biggest players. We have Govno Gruesome Gavin Newsom of Kalifornistan who is probably going to be recalled and Govno Andrew Flaming Cuomo of New York who might be criminally charged.

I’ve been writing about these to thugs for a while now. Both have used the Panicdemic as a way to increase their power and strip it from the individual. Between them, their decisions have killed at least 20,000 elderly people, and they have acted more like kings then elected governors. Now the chickens, as they say, are coming home to roost. Starting with Flaming Cuomo, the mass murder, it’s now coming out that he likes to impose himself on female staffers. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

A second former aide to Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has come forward with allegations of sexual harassment, which came just days after his first accuser made her claims public.  Charlotte Bennett, who is described by The New York Times as “an executive assistant and health policy adviser in the Cuomo administration until she left in November,” alleges that Cuomo “asked her questions about her sex life, whether she was monogamous in her relationships and if she had ever had sex with older men.”

It seems that Ms. Bennett, who, judging from her pictures, is attractive, is also young enough to be the perverted mass murder’s daughter.

The 25-year-old staffer described to the Times an incident that took place in June when she was “alone” with the 63-year-old governor in his State Capitol office. According to the report, he allegedly asked her if she thought age made a difference in romantic relationships and that he was open to having relationships with women in their 20s, which were noted by the Times as “comments she interpreted as clear overtures to a sexual relationship.”

The New York Slimes appears to have turned on Flaming Cuomo, and would like to take him out on a lake, fishing. The article in the Slimes is quite extensive, and lays out the pattern of misbehavior by this scion of Progressive Liberal Elitism. Now there are calls for the New York Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to look into this and other potential crimes by Flaming Cuomo.

This brings us to the other “Pride of Progressiveness,” Govno Gavin “Gruesome” Newsom, or as I tend to call him, Numbnuts Newsom. His incompetence, arrogance and flat out tyrannical behavior has finally hit critical mass and it looks like the Recall Newsom initiative has hit the mark with the signatures required to get a recall election going.

There have been a few other attempts to remove this jerk from office, but the current attempt is the one that looks like it’s going to actually work. Govno Newsom has used the Great Panicdemic of 2020 as a way to basically rule by decree like any common Turd World dictator. Also, like any true tyrant, he ignores the decrees he makes for others and parties like he’s King Louis the 16th. Now it looks like he may be facing the electoral version of the Guillotine in late summer or early fall.

The Recall effort has reached the “Magic Number” of required signatures, and they still have a couple of weeks to gather more. The group running the recall petitions has stated that they want far more then the required number of signatures since they expect a number to be ruled invalid. If Gruesome and his people have their way, all of them will be.

According to the noted Fake News site, CNN:

Capitalizing on the frustration and anger among California Republicans and small business owners about Newsom’s restrictive stay-at-home orders last year, which were intended to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus, as well as the high case numbers that the state experienced over the holiday months, recall proponents say they have actually gathered 1.7 million signatures so far and are continuing to turn those in to the county registrars around the state for verification.

Newsom, a Democrat, has largely brushed off the threat of a recall as he has traveled around the state in recent days visiting vaccination sites and trying to speed up the efficiency of the state’s vaccination program after it initially got off to a shaky start. Two community vaccination sites were opened in partnership with the Biden administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in Oakland and Los Angeles last week, creating greater access to shots in some of the state’s most vulnerable communities — a partnership Newsom hailed as a critical expansion of California’s vaccine supply.

One of the interesting things that’s occurred over the last year is just how incompetent the Blue States have been in dealing with the Panicdemic, as compared with most of the Red States. The vaccine roll out is a classic, and probably terminal, case in point. The Progressive Liberal Governors have been playing political games instead of getting the vaccines into as many arms as possible.

Because of their ineptitude, thousands of doses have had to be thrown out due to spoilage. In at least one case, a doctor, who saw that his supply was going to go bad, went out and just started jabbing anyone who wanted it. The upshot? This doctor, who was doing what doctors are supposed to do, was fired and criminally charged by the Progressive Liberal Moonbats running Harris County in Texas. The good news is that a judge took one look at this case and dismissed it.

Of course, since Harris County is nothing more then a boil on the butt of Texas, it’s possible that the District Attorney could g to a grand jury and get an indictment. Considering the past history of the jerks in that county, I wouldn’t put it past them. If that happens, expect Governor Abbott to step in, again, and slam these moonbats upside the head with a virtual 2×4.

Newsom and Cuomo have both been playing games with the vaccine distribution, putting politics over actual public health. The same thing happened early on in the Panicdemic when the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, noted the French study that a 70 year old anti-malarial drug seemed to help people who were sick with the Wuhan Flu. The Blue State governors promptly made it illegal to use that drug to try and help sick people. Flaming Cuomo was one of the Blue State governors to do this.

Now, between the incompetent handling of the Great Panicdemic of 2020, Numbnuts Newsome’s ignoring his own rules and partying like a spoiled rich liberal brat, and Flaming Cuomo’s sexual assaults on women, the two “Big names” and potential presidential candidates are looking to be run out of town on a rail. So, who do you think is going to be shown the door first?

Who will be the first to be booted from Office?

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~The Angry Webmaster~


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