Senile Pedophile moves to protect other pedophiles

Good day all. It’s no secret that the Fake President has a problem keeping his hands off adolescent girls as well as adult women. He used to have the nickname, “Groping Joe” and there are reports of flat out assaults against women. Now this senile idiot has undone an order that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump put into place that dealt with pedophiles.

President Trump initiated a program called Operation Talon. The program was designed to remove convicted sex offenders who were in the United States illegally as rapidly as possible. The Fake President has canceled this very successful program, putting women and children ad risk. Here are the details from Human Events:

Biden has made it clear that his number one mission as president is to undo everything the Trump administration accomplished over the last four years. His newest cancellation simply does not make sense. 

No surprise there, Dementia Joe is a flat out crook and a traitor. He’s owned by the Communist Chinese Party, and the CCP hated President Trump for disrupting their plans for world domination.

Biden’s administration recently cancelled Operation Talon, a Trump administration program aimed at removing convicted sex offenders living in the United States illegally. Though the program seems to be something everyone should support, it clearly isn’t. Why would anyone want sex offenders to remain in the country? 

This is just another constituency for the Democratic CommuNazis. Of course they’re going to protect illegal alien rapists and child molesters.

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson joined a coalition of 18 state attorneys general to urge Biden to reverse the cancellation, according to ABC 4 News. 

We’re working hard to fight human trafficking and sex crimes in South Carolina and allowing convicted sex offenders who are here illegally to remain in our country makes absolutely no sense,” Wilson said. “These trafficking and sex crimes are repugnant to human decency generally and to children specifically,” he added.

I’ve always found it interesting how the Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazis always seem to want to protect those who prey on children, yet are so quick to move on parents who discipline their children when they misbehave. (A swat on the fanny, slap on the wrist, not beating them into the hospital. That is a crime)

The letter, directed to Joe Biden, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Acting Director of ICE Tae Johnson, pointed out the problems with this cancellation. The attorneys general argued that canceling Operation Talon could encourage sexual predators to attack. 

The United States’ population of illegal immigrants includes disturbingly large numbers of criminals with prior convictions for sexual crimes,” the letter reads. “According to data collected by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, during the period from October 2014 to May 2018 ICE arrested 19,572 illegal aliens with criminal convictions for whom the most serious prior conviction was a conviction for a sex-related offense.” 

Meanwhile, an increasing number of illegal aliens are entering the United States after having been previously convicted of sexual offenses,” it continues. “The cancellation of [Operation Talon] effectively broadcasts to the world that the United States is now a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators. This message creates a perverse incentive for foreign sexual predators to seek to enter the United States illegally and assault more victims, both in the process of unlawful migration and after they arrive. It will also broadcast the message to other criminal aliens who have committed other offenses that any kind of robust enforcement against them is unlikely.”

You might as well not have wasted the effort, ink or electrons putting that letter together. The Fake President’s maladministration has made it clear that they intend to punish America for having the temerity to elect the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and unleashing these vermin is part of that punishment.

The letter begs perhaps the most important question: “If the United States will not remove even convicted sex offenders, whom will it remove?”

The answer to that is simple. Make sure your bags are packed, the box cars will be ready for loading shortly.

In addition to South Carolina, the state attorneys general that signed on to the letter include: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.

And every one of these states has been marked for punishment by the Progressive Ruling Elites of the Deep State. The hatred by the Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazis of President Trump is so deep that they will do anything to reverse all the good things he did. If it means allowing children to be raped, they’re fine with that, especially since their children, at least the ones they didn’t abort, are protected by armed guards. (None of whom worked for the Broward County Sheriff’s Department)

These are the actions that lead to the creation of “Vigilance Committees.” These won’t be the neighborhood watch groups we know that see a problem and then call the police. These will be groups that will, if they catch an illegal alien in the act, become judge, jury and executioners. We’ve already seen how parents react when they catch a perv in the act of harming their children. (Texas dad who beat his daughter’s alleged molester to death won’t face charges)

Of course, if this starts happening then the DoJ will come in to go after anyone who harms a hair on the heads of their precious “Undocumented Immigrants who are just following the traditions of their native lands.” Yeah, good luck with that.

We all know the reason the Senile Pedophile stopped this program. He’s protecting both his like minded fellows and himself. Of course, now that the Fake President is constantly being monitored, if he starts pawing kids again, it will be all over the net, no matter what Big Tech does to hide it and protect their investment.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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