Biden Resigns in favor of “President Harris!”

Good day all. We’ve all known that Dementia Joe Biden is physically and mentally unfit to be dogcatcher, never mind President. With the tainted election of 2020, blatantly stolen by the Democratic CommuNazis, people wondered why they gave this to the senile pedophile?

The answer is simple. The Ruling Party Elites never wanted Dementia Joe, they wanted the Queen of Blowjobs, Kamala “Heels Up” Harris. However, she was crucified during the primaries, winning none. When the Fake President announced that she was to be his Vice, (And when it comes to vice, she is an expert), President, people were surprised. She brought nothing to the ticket other then a mouth like a Hoover vacuum cleaner.

As Dementia Joe continued to trip over his own feet, (Literally it seems), and continually show just how badly he has mentally declined since he was 12, people began to understand why Heels Up Harris was chosen. Once they push Dementia Joe out, she will be the new president, and if her actions in Kalifornistan, (Other then on her back), have demonstrated, she will be very quick to tear up the Constitution. Now the Fake President is showing that he is getting ready to retire to the local assisted living facility. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Biden misspoke in a speech Thursday offering updates on an update on vaccination progress in the U.S., referring to his vice president as “President Harris.”

“When President Harris and I took …” Biden said, before momentarily pausing, “a virtual tour of a vaccination site in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour injecting people, giving vax each shot, was like administering a dose of hope.” 

The president has made such gaffes before. In December he mistakenly referred to Harris as “president-elect,” also during a speech on Covid-19 vaccines. “I took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took hers today for the same reason,” Biden said. 

The comments ignited speculation of cognitive decline from the right, following a campaign where Biden repeatedly appeared tongue-tied.

Some call them gaffes, others might call them Freudian Slips. The Fake President has never been known as a great orator. Actually, he has never been known as a great anything. (Well, a Great Fool, a Great Idiot, a Great Moron perhaps) He knows that he was put in office solely to undo the fine works of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. He has been doing just that, with his nonstop signing of Executive orders of dubious legality and constitutionality and lacking in any common sense.

Harris, too, once accidentally dubbed herself commander-in-chief. “A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States,” she said at a virtual roundtable in September. 

“The Biden-Harris administration will provide access to $100 billion in low-interest loans and investments from minority business owners,” she continued.

Unlike the senile pedophile, Vice President Blow Job Harris knows exactly what is going on and what the plans are. Her statement was a classic Freudian Slip, since she knows that she will be president by the end of the year. These two have been in office two months and have already done incredible damage to the United States. Once they push Dementia Joe out, Harris is going to go full on tyrant. I would not be at all surprised if she declared some sort of fake emergency and canceled the 2022 midterm elections. Of course, the current H.R. 1 bill is designed to rig the elections in any case so the Blow Job Queen may not need to go that route.

History may one day record that the Stolen Election of 2020 was the point where the United States of America ceased being a Constitutional Republic and instead became a totalitarian Fascist state. The only question is, who will be the ones writing the history? Ponder on.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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