Democrats using foreign dark money to ram through HR1

Good day all. The Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazis love to scream about “Dark money” influencing American elections. They usually accuse the Republican Party of accessing millions of dollars. However, it looks like it’s the CommuNazis who are taking foreign Dark Money to push through the unconstitutional abortion known as HR1.

HR1, the misleadingly titled “For the People Act” is a blatant power grab by the Democratic CommuNazis. The goal is to enshrine all the actions they used to rig the 2020 presidential election as well as other down ticket elections. The end game will be turning the once free United States into a single party totalitarian state. Now information is coming out that foreign actors are also pushing this along. Here are the details from Fox News:

A liberal dark money group bankrolled by a Swiss foreign national is spending big on lobbying in favor of Democrats’ election overhauls, including H.R. 1, filings show.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund, a fiscal sponsor and clearinghouse for dozens of left-wing groups and projects, has poured nearly $2 million into the efforts to sway senators on issues ranging from H.R.1 to D.C. statehood to the Voting Rights Act Amendment.

H.R. 1 is the largest overhaul of the U.S. election law in at least a generation and covers many aspects of the voting process, including requiring states to automatically register eligible voters and offer same-day voter registration. The bill also requires states to offer 15 days of early voting and allows no-excuse absentee balloting, which 14 states would have to implement and the states that already allow it would have to conform to H.R. 1’s standards. 

The problem with HR1, and there are many, is that elections are handled by the states, not the federal government. This bill is a flat out power grab by the Democrats for the purposes of making it impossible to ever trust the election process in this country ever again. That we’re now seeing foreign money coming in to pay off Congress should raise alarms everywhere.

As part of the efforts, the Sixteen Thirty Fund has spent $1.3 million on internal lobbyists to push the reforms while dishing out $480,000 to outside firm Keefe Singiser Partners between 2019 and 2020, according to disclosures. Maura Keefe, the former chief of staff for Democratic New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, heads up the shop. Over the past year, the Sixteen Thirty Fund also paid $100,000 to Kountoupes Denham Carr & Reid to advocate on democracy reform and election integrity, including H.R.1.

Jeanne Shaheen. Why am I not surprised? Disclosure, Shaheen is one of my two senators. She was also governor and an incompetent one at that. She has been pushing the Senate version of this load of crap for months, and now I know why.

One of the lobbyists listed on the disclosure forms for Kountoupes Denham Carr & Reid is MJ Kenny, who worked for Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., between 2010 and 2019 in multiple roles, including legislative correspondent and deputy floor director, according to his LinkedIn profile

This looks like the “Revolving door” that the phony baloney Progressives are always decrying, usually accusing Republicans of doing it. (Which they do, sadly) Now the big thing is where the foreign money comes in.

The New York Times revealed that Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss, who in 2014 said he is not a U.S. citizen, is a significant financial backer of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which does not identify its donors. From 2016 to 2020, the foreign national directed $135 million into the fund, but it is unclear how his money was spent.

Oh I think we know how it was spent. Every penny went to turning the United States from a free, independent nation under the Greatest President of the 21st Century into a socialist, totalitarian ruled by the Progressive Elites. (Yeah, a bit tin foily, but not by much)

While the Sixteen Thirty Fund is primarily used to house nonprofits that are backed by secretive donors, the incubator was also used as an avenue to steer $55 million in anonymous cash into super PACs that backed President Biden’s 2020 campaign.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund is part of a massive dark money network managed by D.C.-based consulting firm Arabella Advisors, which was founded by Eric Kesser, a former Bill Clinton appointee and member of the Clinton Global Initiative. In 2019, Arabella was paid nearly $34 million for administrative, operations and management services to manage the four funds in Arabella’s vast dark money network. In addition to Sixteen Thirty, Arabella manages the New Venture Fund, Hopewell Fund and Windward Fund.

And there is the Clinton Connection. Those two have been the bane of this nation’s existence for decades. They can literally get away with anything, up to and including murder, (You don’t really think Epstein killed himself, do you?), knowing that they will be protected by the Deep State and the One World Globalist elites. (Hmm, I think I need to get more tin foil)

The four Arabella-managed funds raked in $715 million in 2019. The funds house projects beneath them that include Demand Justice, Fix Our Senate, Demand Progress, and dozens of other groups. It also passed large sums to outside organizations such as the Center for American Progress, America Votes, Center for Popular Democracy, and Color of Change. 

And that is a list of groups who make Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Mao tse Tung look like capitalistic, rugged individualists.

The network is used by some of the wealthiest progressive financiers in the country, including those in the Democracy Alliance, a group of deep-pocketed donors co-founded by liberal billionaire George Soros. Wyss was recruited to be a part of the secretive network, according to the New York Times. 

It’s a shame that the Hungarians didn’t hang that scumbag when they had the chance, right after the end of World War 2 when people found out he was collaborating with the Nazis for his own profit. I’m also surprised that some government hasn’t arranged a fatal accident to happen to him either.

These are the groups that flat out own the Democrat Party, now known as the Democratic CommuNazi party. Most of them have nothing but contempt for America, Americans and those who do not toe the progressive line. (Which is more then half the country)

That they are now working to subvert our elections makes them, as far as I’m concerned, enemies of the United States. Sadly, while President Trump would have tried to do something about this, they succeeded in the Great Election Theft of 2020 and now control the Federal Government. They are rapidly moving to tear up the Constitution and end America as an independent nation. Paranoid much you might be saying? I sure hope so.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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