AOC hates her granny, a follow up

Good day all. Earlier I wrote about Alexandria Occasional-Cortex trying to use her abuela, (Grandmother), to virtue signal and make political points. I also wrote about how Matt Walsh opened a GoFundMe account to raise funds to do what AOC can’t be bothered to do, help out her Granny.

Well, it seems that the family has informed Mr. Walsh that the will not accept the money on behalf of AOC’s poor grandmother. Here are the details from Fox News:

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh revealed on Saturday that the “family” of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s grandmother will not be accepting the money he raised to repair her home after the New York Democrat blamed former President Donald Trump for blocking aid that was supposed to be sent to Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. 

Walsh took to Twitter and shared an email he received from the GoFundMe Trust & Safety Team, who informed him that they had been in communications with the “beneficiary’s family,” who made it clear that “they will not be accepting the funds raised.”

“UPDATE: ‘someone’ in AOC’s abuela’s family told GoFundMe that she won’t take the money, even though AOC previously claimed that her grandma was in dire straits (and it was Trump’s fault),” Walsh tweeted Saturday morning. “@AOC still hasn’t acknowledged this effort or thanked us.”

This raises some interesting questions. Did Mr. Walsh’s actions shame the family into doing something they should have done all along? Or was this nothing more then another one of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s lies?

Walsh continued: “Tragically this charitable effort has been sabotaged by forces outside of our control. Still I’m grateful for the outpouring of support for abuela, even if AOC isn’t. But questions remain: Why didn’t AOC help her own abuela? Why was our help turned down? We are left to speculate. In the end, our campaign raised 100 thousand dollars and could have solved a problem in ten hours that AOC couldn’t solve in four years. We can all be proud of that. As for abuela, all we can do now is pray.”

Well, the good news is that Granny wasn’t in New York, otherwise she may have become a victim of Flaming Cuomo’s eldercide campaign. In any case, this all started when Queen Virtual Signaler went to visit her grandmother when she became ill. She saw this as yet another chance to take a dig at the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

“I want to be clear – while Trump admin had a major role, it wasn’t just them,” the congresswoman wrote in the Twitter thread. “La Junta, local policies, etc were all on the same page: policies that pushed out local families. To turn this around, we need audits & get recovery relief to people ASAP, without the onerous strings. And for the record – my abuela is doing okay. It’s not about us, but about what’s happening to Puerto Rican’s across the island. She had a place to go to and be cared for – what about the thousands of people who don’t?”

Of course, the strings in question were meant to tie the hands of the corrupt officials who were looting the relief supplies and stealing the money. Of course, that wasn’t important to AOC, only firing off yet another one of her demands for attention. It backfired badly, much as everything this idiot tries to do.

At the time, Walsh reacted to her tweets saying, “Shameful that you live in luxury while allowing your own grandmother to suffer in these squalid conditions.”

The Democratic CommuNazis weren’t about to take that lying down.

The Democrat fired back, “You don’t even have a concept for the role that 1st-gen, first-born daughters play in their families. My abuela is okay. But instead of only caring for mine & letting others suffer, I’m calling attention to the systemic injustices you seem totally fine w/ in having a US colony.”

Nice try dimbulb. If you want to talk about the systemic corruption of Puerto Rico, and how we’ve wanted to unload grant independence to them for decades, we can. In the meantime, Mr. Walsh took your words about only caring about themselves, (Projecting again AOC?) and said, “Challenge Accepted.”

On Friday, Walsh launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise money to “Save AOC’s Abuela’s Ancestral Home.”

The #HelpAbuela campaign had attracted big-name donors including Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, and Dave Rubin. 

They also raised over $100K. That will be returned to the donors of course since AOC would rather her poor sainted grandmother rot in a leaking house instead of thanking people for being so generous. She might want to consider that people of her political persuasion, (Barkingus Moonbatus), are notoriously cheap when it comes to opening their wallets and helping those less fortunate then themselves. No doubt, this will go down to her pretending to ball her eyes out in an empty parking lot. Well, perhaps New York will redistrict her right into the Hudson River.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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