Fredo Cuomo taking a vacation from CNN

Good day all. Govno Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo’s political career is currently going down the drain. His worthless brother, Chris “Fredo” Cuomo’s career at the Communazi News Network is being looked at since he was named as an “unindicted Co-conspirator” of his brother’s manhandling anyone with a Double X chromosome who worked in his office.

Fredo announced last week that he was “Going on vacation this week, and that it has nothing to do with the ongoing issues with his brother, Govno Flaming Cuomo. Here are the details from Newsmax:

Chris Cuomo says his absence from CNN next week, (August 10th), has nothing to do with his embattled brother, or advising him on his response to sexual misconduct allegations.

Instead, the “Cuomo Prime Time” anchor is off for a planned summer vacation centered on his birthday, he says. He turns 51 on Monday.

If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in purchasing.

The timing is conspicuous, particularly as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing potential impeachment after state Attorney General Letitia James released a report on the allegations of sexual harassment, inappropriate behavior and a “hostile work environment.”

As Americans notice Chris Cuomo avoiding the accusations of misconduct by his brother outlined in the report, The New York Times reported this week that CNN offered the prime-time anchor a leave of absence to serve as an adviser to the governor when the allegations had been made by as many as 11 women.

Comrade Jeff Zucker, who has his own issues with biased reporting, knows just how bad this looks, (And probably is). He basically gave Fredo an out that would have covered both CNN’s and Fredo’s ass. Of course, considering that Fredo Cuomo is a complete ass, that takes an awful lot of covering, and Fredo, being just as dumb as his namesake turned it down.

The CNN host turned down the network’s offer and decided he would continue to host his prime-time show and merely avoid the conflict of interest in covering news surrounding his older brother, including the investigation of New York’s nursing home mandate that required long-term care facilities to take in COVID-19 infection seniors — despite the widespread knowledge that older adults are the most vulnerable to serious complications and risk of death from the virus.

Fredo may have said he wouldn’t cover his perverted brother, but he is a Cuomo after all. Keeping his word and being ethical are two things that are missing from the Cuomo gene pool.

Republicans and critics noted, however, the praise-filled coverage of his brother in the early days of the pandemic and that cutting off coverage now merely served to avoid covering his brother in a negative light.

“Every year I take my birthday week off,” Cuomo told fellow CNN host Don Lemon on Thursday, Mediaite reported. “I’m looking forward to it.”

The question is, will this week off end on Friday, or will his “Week off” extend indefinitely? (As in “Your services with this company are no longer required Mr. Cuomo.”) While Fredo may take the week off around his birthday, it looks quite damning considering all the news coming out regarding his brother, Flaming, and what his role in the coverups might have been. I hope he enjoys his time off, however I would strongly recommend that he avoid going fishing in a small boat with anyone.


News just broke that Fredo’s brother, Govno Andrew Flaming Cuomo has thrown in the towel and resigned. More on this breaking story shortly.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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