Comrade Cori Bush threatens the McCloskeys

Good day all. Cori Bush is a representative from Missouri. She is a communist, a racist, and hates the United States. She especially hates white people who defend themselves from criminals and criminal organizations such as Black Communist Lives Only Matter. This was the case a year ago when the McCloskeys stood their ground and defended their home and property from a rampaging mob from BCLOM.

The City Attorney, Kim Gardner, who is a Soros prosecutor, (Meaning she will never prosecute anyone who hates the United States and loots Deplorable American’s homes and businesses), released all the rioters and indicted the McCloskeys. I’ve written about all this, including how the City Attorney’s office rigged evidence against the McCloskeys and then accused them of tampering with evidence.

Eventually, the case was removed from the City Attorney’s office and the McCloskey’s pleaded guilty to a minor misdemeanor charge. The other day, the Governor pardoned the McCloskeys, clearing their record of that minimal charge. This set off Comrade Racist Bush ans she has flat out threatened the McCloskeys. Here are the details from Fox News:

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., was outraged Wednesday by the pardons given to the St. Louis couple who wielded guns as Black Lives Matter protesters marched in their neighborhood last year, saying Mark McCloskey’s “day will come.”

Bush, who was among the marchers in their neighborhood, told CNN the pardons of the McCloskeys by Republican Missouri Gov. Mike Parson were “absolutely unbelievable.”

“Mark McCloskey is an absolute liar,” she said. “He has spat on my name. And because of that, his day will come. You will not be successful in all that you’re trying to do, when you are hurting the very people that are out trying to save lives … He can try it, but I will not stand by and allow him or our governor to hurt the very people that are doing the work that they should be doing.”

I hate to be the one to break this to you stupid, but the McCloskeys should never have been charged in the first place, and wouldn’t have been if the City Attorney, Kim Gardner, wasn’t such a corrupt, politically driven, incompetent moron. The actual criminals were protected by this Soros funded City Attorney.

Nine Black Lives Matter protesters were issued citations for trespassing in connection with the incident but prosecutors refused to move forward. The couple’s attorney said the demonstrators broke down a gate to get onto the private street and threatened them.

The area that the McCloskeys live in is, as I understand it, 100% private property. The “Demonstrators” broke down a gate to get into the community. Considering that other “Demonstrators” had been busy looting and burning throughout St. Louis, I would be concerned as well and would definitely arm up.

Prosecutors determined the demonstrators acted peacefully.

There is a reason that Gardner was accused of Dereliction of Duty. She is refusing to prosecute people who rob, rape, burn and murder, but won’t hesitate to go after innocent people. As for Cori Bush, if she issued her threats off the floor of the house, guess what? Her immunity doesn’t exist and the McCloskey’s can sue her fat ass off. Her threats might even be criminally actionable, although that would require either state or federal actions. (We can forget the Do(I)J doing anything about it)

Cori Bush is an reconstructed racist, communist and an actual threat to the safety and security of Americans, Lawful resident aliens and the United States of America. She needs to be removed from office, preferably in handcuffs. Suing her into oblivion will do in a pinch.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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