Flaming Cuomo, “Hey, let’s make a deal!”

Good day all. Things are looking pretty bad for the once Progressive “Fair Haired boy” of the Communazi Party. He has been accused of touching everything but the third rail with regards to female officer staff, and one has filed criminal charges against him. To top things off, the demands that he resign or be impeached are growing.

The odds of the Flaming Idiot remaining in office much past October are slim. The only question is how he will go, by resigning or being removed from office. As for Flaming Cuomo, he’s still trying to hold on , and is trying to cut deals that will allow him to remain in office. Here are the details from the New York Post:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tried to cut a deal with the state Legislature — offering to drop his bid for a fourth-term in exchange for not getting impeached, The Post has learned.

Yeah, how about No to that Oh Flaming Idiot?

But no one seems to be buying what the 63-year-old governor is selling.

The problem for Flaming Cuomo is that he’s finally bullied one to many people and now the game is up. You have a number of women he molested, (Putting your hands on a woman’s breast uninvited should get you a kick in the nuts at best. I gather the ladies he did this to were so shocked that he would even try, they were caught off guard), not to mention the mass murders over the previous year that many people want him hanged for. Finally, you have an Attorney General who is using her position for political ladder climbing and she wants Cuomo’s seat.

The three-term Democrat made the dubious offer before Attorney General Letitia James’ damning report on his conduct was released last Tuesday, according to a top party official.

It was something that was floated to me by the folks in the Cuomo camp as a possible option before the attorney general’s report came out,” NYS Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs told The Post, adding, “I never saw it as a viable option.”

Timing, as they say, is everything, and I have little doubt that Flaming Cuomo and his staffers had a pretty good idea what the report was going to say, hence the offer. The problem was that the AG also knew what was in it, and she saw no reason to provide any cover for Govno Dirtbag.

Still, it looks like Cuomo and his winnowed-down inner circle haven’t given up on the last-ditch effort to avoid impeachment.

A source told The City on Monday that the gov’s team has been busy making calls to try to save his skin in the wake of the official report, which concluded Cuomo sexually harassed at least 11 women in violation of state and federal law. He has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

Before she resigned Sunday night, top aide and confidante Melissa DeRosa had been asking executive staffers for strategies to quiet the impeachment talks, the source told The City.

DeRosa is up to her eyeballs in the cover-up of Flaming Cuomo’s eldercide last year, and has been under intense pressure. She’s also been dealing with Flaming Cuomo’s foreign issues, namely his russian hands and roman fingers. She finally broke and has deserted the sinking ship.

Charlie King, a longtime Cuomo pal, was apparently among those making inquiries about the deal, a source told The Post.

King denied the claim, saying, “No. He’s not running for a fourth term, period.”

That’s a given. The question is, can he keep his ass in the Governors office until his current term runs out? He seems to think so.

The governor has ignored deafening calls for his resignation coming from as high as President Biden.

Of course, President Dementia, the Senile Pedophile has his own issues, but he’s being protected by the Communazi Propaganda Corps, and Flaming Cuomo is being sacrificed to the #MeToo goddesses. The problem for Cuomo is his political tone deafness. He’s being told it’s time to pack it in, and that the deal he should be looking for is a way to avoid prosecution. (There is no way he can stop the civil suits other then really big settlements) As for the potential impeachment? It looks like it’s coming to a New York Legislature near you.

The state Assembly Judiciary Committee met in Albany Monday for updates on its investigation into Cuomo.

The committee had told him that it was “nearing completion” of the probe and would “consider potential articles of impeachment.”

Once the bill of impeachment is filed, considering that the slimy scumbag has basically nuked all his bridges, it’s all but assured he’s going to be booted from office. If he had any guts, he would do the honorable thing.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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