MSM unable to cover up how much people don’t like Biden and Harris

Good day all. Since Dementia Joe was appointed President of the United States by the Ruling Elite of the Deep State, (How’s that for a conspiracy theory?), people have watched how President Dementia and Vice President Blow Job have taken all that was good and completely trashed it.

For months, the pollsters have been trying to rig their “scientific” polls to show that people actually like the economy crashing, gas prices skyrocketing, inflation increasing and the border thrown wide open. Even with the rigging of the questions, Approval ratings for President Dementia and Vice President Blow Job are cratering. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

It’s official: America doesn’t much like Vice President Kamala Harris. And they aren’t that hot on President Joe Biden, either.

According to a running graph by YouGovAmerica, Harris’ unpopularity hit 49%, while her popularity hovers at 45%. Her numbers top those of Vice President Mike Pence. A Gallup poll from July 2017 showed that Pence’s unfavorability was 41.9%, while his favorability stood at 42.1, according to The Telegraph.

Mike Pence Jumped the Shark when he stood with the Deep State Uniparty and not the Constitution of the United States. Also, Harris is known for “blowing her way” to the top. (When she drops out of sight, VP Blow Job is probably servicing those being polled)

Harris’ poor numbers match those of her boss, President Joe Biden. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll showed at least 52% of likely voters disapprove of Biden’s work in the White House. What’s more, 42% said they “strongly disapprove” of the Biden presidency, while just 26% said they “strongly approve” of his presidency.

Those who truly did vote for President Dementia and Vice President Blow Job are beginning to understand why Kameltoe Harris was forced out before the first primary. She is utterly incompetent at everything that doesn’t involve spreading her legs. As for Dementia Joe, they are now remembering what The Great Mistake once said of him. “Never underestimate the ability of Joe to fuck things up.” Now we’re seeing one of the few times that Obama was actually right about something.

Many of the polls on the Biden-Harris team have been drifting downward about rising inflation and a new outbreak of a COVID-19 variant, just weeks after Biden declared the pandemic all but over. In a Morning Consult-Politico poll released last week, 47% of registered voters said they had an unfavorable view of Harris, while 45% had an unfavorable view of Biden.

The so called “Delta variant” of the Wuhan Flu was originally seen by the Communazis as a new way to assert absolute control over the masses. It isn’t working out for them. People have had it with mask mandates that don’t work, lock-downs and the economic devastation caused by the Communazi governors. Many states are flat out refusing to follow the “Guidance” of the CDC. Add to all this, the inflation, open borders and other disasters caused by the maladministration and you can see why their numbers are cratering.

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll recently found that just 45 percent of Americans are optimistic about the direction of the country,” The Federalist reported. “The drop is nearly 20 percent lower than the 64 percent optimism polled in May shortly after Biden completed 100 days in office. The same poll indicated that 55 percent of respondents are pessimistic about the direction of the country, which is up 19 points from the 36 percent who reported the same thing in May.”

Now compare that with the optimism people felt under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. The economy, prior to the Great Panicdemic of 2020, was exploding. Manufacturing jobs were coming back to the United States and we had become a net energy producer for the first time in 70 years. Then came the Stolen Election of 2020.

While Biden is unpopular at home,  Harris, who was charged by Biden to handle the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, is also unpopular abroad, according to a BigLeaguePolitics report last month.

Protesters in Guatemala made sure to send Kamala Harris a message as her motorcade drove to a scheduled meeting with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei. Harris’ motorcade passed by a group of protesters holding multiple signs on Monday. The messages included: ‘Kamala, Mind Your Own Business,’ ‘Kamala, Go Home,’ and ‘Kamala, Trump Won,’” the site wrote.

The people in Guatemala know a prostitute when they see one and they let Heels Up Harris know that they knew what she is. Kameltoe knows that she’s in trouble. President Alzheimer? He doesn’t know what day it is. The Communazis have been trying to bury any stories showing how bad things are for them, with the Communazi Propaganda Corps leading the charge.

Big Tech has been working overtime to censor anything that doesn’t paint the current administration in a good light. (Faceplant censors went after a meme I generated, declaring it untrue. I should join President Trump’s lawsuit) However, the people are finding new sources of information that report information, not make things up. When Drudge went Communist, the Bongino Report filled in the gap.

When YouTube pulled down anything about President Trump, Rumble came to the rescue. Vice President Kameltoe Harris likes to hide out with shopping trips to Europe and Asia. She is doing everything she can to avoid the media and the people, just biding her time until President Alzheimer is declared unfit and removed from office. Once she’s in, She probably feels that she can do whatever she wants and most certainly will try, and will be assisted by the Ruling Elites. (Paranoid much you ask? I hope so!)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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