Alexandria Occasional-Cortex emulates Marie Antoinette

Good day all. Every time we think Alexandria Occasional-Cortex can’t surpass her current levels of stupidity, she happily proves us wrong. AOC has been big on pushing totalitarian socialism on America, with mandates for masks, getting vaccines, locking down the country and punishing anyone or any state that doesn’t comply.

Then she goes and shows that for her, the rule she wants apply to everyone else BUT her. In this case, she decided to go to Florida and party with all her progressive friends, all the while utterly ignoring everything she’s demanding everyone else should be doing. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to get an early start on New Year’s weekend Thursday, according to a report. The New York Democrat was seen, maskless and drink in hand, as she dined outside in Miami Beach, Florida, the National Review reported. The congresswoman and a companion were spotted at Doraku Sushi and Izakaya, the report said.

Switching over to the National Review article:

Photos obtained by National Review show Ocasio-Cortez seated outside Doraku Sushi and Izakaya in Miami Beach Thursday afternoon, raising a cocktail in one and checking her phone in another.

How interesting. Of course, there has been a spike in alleged positive covid tests in her district, but I guess she decided it was more important to “party hearty” rather than visit her sick constituents. Compare this to AOC’s response when Senator Ted Cruz took his family on a vacation to Mexico last year when the Texas power grid had some serious issues.

Back in February, when Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) drew fire for taking a trip to Cancun, Mexico, during a winter disaster in Texas that left millions without power or water, Ocasio-Cortez joined the pile on.

If Sen. Cruz had resigned back in January after helping gin up a violent insurrection that killed several people, he could’ve taken his vacation in peace,” she tweeted at the time. “Texans should continue to demand his resignation.”

AOC, like all of the Communazi in Congress have been calling the January 6th protest a “Violent insurrection.” Of course, the reason is simple. They want to use it as their Reichstag moment and do exactly what the Nazis did. Institute a totalitarian state and round up everyone they consider to be “Undesirable.”

Returning to the Fox News Story:

The New York Democrat was seen, maskless and drink in hand, as she dined outside in Miami Beach, Florida, the National Review reported. The congresswoman and a companion were spotted at Doraku Sushi and Izakaya, the report said. The sighting quickly drew snarky reactions on social media.

The responses were suitably vicious, pointing out her usual hypocrisy. For instance:

“Hey @AOC tell me you endorse @RonDeSantisFL without telling me you endorse @RonDeSantisFL,” another commenter wrote, referring to Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has been known for coronavirus policies that contrast from many of those in Democrat-run states.

Not to be left out, Governor DeSantis’s office opened fire on the idiot.

“Welcome to Florida, AOC!” the tweet said. “We hope you’re enjoying a taste of freedom here in the Sunshine State thanks to @RonDeSantisFL’s leadership.”

Then they twisted the knife.

“P.S. We recommend the Rock Shrimp Roll and the Aoki Tai the next time you decide to dine in Miami. Cheers!,” another tweet said.

You know, when 2024 rolls around, and we are in the presidential election season, most people see this as either a Trump/DeSantis ticket, or if President Trump chooses not to run, the DeSantis/whoever ticket. DeSantis has been proving that he would be either an excellent Vice President, and there is little doubt he would be a drastic improvement to the current clown, or, a suitable successor to the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

As for Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, perhaps she should head to the beach for a little dip in the ocean. She just needs to remember to wear a good luck raw piece of meat. Maybe she will meet Nemo’s good friend Bruce. He’s always looking to meet tasty interesting people.


And AOC has tested positive for Covid. More on that later. 😀


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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