Congressional oversight vs Bureaucrats

Good day all. One of the duties of Congress is overseeing the activities of the various governmental bureaucracies. They will ask for records from these agencies, and they are required to hand them over. That is, unless your Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health.

One of the issues that Congress, specifically Senator Rand Paul, have been looking into is the origins of the Coronavirus. There have been rumors that the virus was not only genetically engineered to make it worse than the naturally occurring version, it also appears to have escaped the lab. Worse, the whole thing was paid for by the United States Taxpayers.

Because of these rumors, the House Oversight and Reform Committee has been asking for records from the Department of Health and Human Services. Those records have not been forthcoming, and may have been shredded. Here are the details from the National Pulse:

The National Institutes of Health has repeatedly failed to comply with congressional requests for documents related to its involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, instead forcing agency personnel to “shred notes and other documents” referencing the Chinese Communist Party-run lab and its work with the U.S. government during the Obama administration.

That is what we used to call a “Bozo No No.” It also has the stench of a cover-up. Considering what has been discovered so far regarding the China Virus and Fauci’s actions, I can see why they would decide destroying records might be a good idea. It isn’t and the maladministration is going to get it in the shorts over it.

Members of the Republican House Committee on Oversight and Reform wrote a letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Director Xavier Becerra urging the release of the documents, which could prove highly relevant to the origins of COVID-19.

Rather than be transparent with Committee Republicans, HHS and NIH have chosen to hide, obfuscate, and shield the truth,” argues the letter.

It will be interesting to see how Becerra acts in regards to the demand that he protect and produce documents. First, he is a lawyer and he fully understands how the discovery process works. Second, he is a corrupt lawyer and has no hesitation on covering up malfeasance. Third, this is arguably the most incompetent and corrupt administration in over a century. One of the things that Dementia Joe’s handlers were put in place for was to protect Obama.

The letter reveals that an NIH advisor was “forced by NIH to shred notes and other documents pertaining to the WIV grants as early as 2014.” An email from an individual, whose name has been redacted, to a committee staff member on November 5th, 2021 revealed the following:

I signed a confidentiality agreement in which I agreed not to discuss any grant with anyone except with other members of the study section, and – once the meeting was over – that I would destroy any notes that I had taken during the meeting (we did this by tossing them in shred box in the meeting room)).”

If I were a member of an oversight committee, the information that someone was ordered to destroy records of a government meeting would be sending up flare and skyrockets. It sounds to me that someone in authority knew that what was being discussed would not pass the “Smell test.”

The letter outlines how, “to date, HHS and NIH have refused to produce any responsive documents or information.” The congressional committee requested documents from former NIH Director Francis Collins surrounding a 2014, Obama-era grant awarded from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to EcoHealth Alliance and the WIV in May and July of 2021.

Francis Collins recently pulled the ejection lever and bailed out retired from his position. I’m not sure what actions can be taken now against him if, as it seems, he was actively obstructing a congressional oversight committee in the performance of their duties. (I’ll leave that to someone with legal training)

Despite Republican committee staff repeatedly amending their requests, making them broader in scope and easier for the federal agency to fulfill, both federal agencies have refused to turn over any documents.

Since our July 15, 2021, request invoking §2954, Republican Committee staff have provided the following accommodations to HHS and NIH: time extensions, reducing the scope of the request, prioritizing certain documents, and engaging in in camera review of certain documents. Throughout this time, Republican Committee staff made clear to HHS staff that Committee Republicans may, at a later date, request full, unredacted copies of the documents reviewed in camera and all other documents responsive to the Requests,” explains the letter.

Which, the HHS will promptly circular file. The Health and Human Services department’s refusal to provide the requested documents and information, along with flat out lying to both house and senate oversight committees has, as far as I’m concerned, demonstrated that the entire department needs to be defunded, all personnel terminated and the whole thing shut down. The department’s very existence is questionable under the Constitution.

The HHS and it’s sub-agencies have now shown that they don’t consider themselves to be answerable to the Representatives of the People. They think of themselves as a “Law unto themselves.” We may have to wait until next year before the formal anal probing begins, and we may have to wait until 2025 and a new president before we can start punishing these bureaucrats. They might think they are safe, but the wheel always turns, and eventually, they will be broken on it.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Congressional oversight vs Bureaucrats

  1. Doctor of Retrophrenology says:

    As always, #democratgetsapass applies


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