An interesting thought. What if Biden had chosen Tulsi Gabbard instead?

Good day all. I thought I would change things up a bit and do a bit of a thought experiment. What if, instead of the drooling idiot selecting a retired prostitute to be his running mate, and eventual Vice President, Dementia Joe’s handlers asked Tulsi Gabbard instead?

First, just to clear the air, there is very little regarding Ms. Gabbard’s policies that I agree with. I would not have voted for her as president, and I wouldn’t have if she had been on the ticket as Vice President. However, I do respect her for a very simple reason. She isn’t a treasonous Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi like almost all of the old Democrat party have become.

Tulsi Gabbard ran for President in 2020. She had almost no chance of winning because she is patriotic, (she was recently promoted to Lt. Colonel in the Hawaii National Guard), she doesn’t consider herself to be one of the elites, and she’s not an insane barking moonbat who blames President Trump for everything.

Ms. Gabbard has also been quite willing to work with the Republicans if both her and the GOP’s goals were the same. She served four terms in the House of Representatives before running for President, and gave up her seat. She probably would have won reelection, however, it looks like that she term limited herself.

Another thing to like about her is that she is not politically correct, and certainly not Woke. (Another reason the Progressives hate her) While she does come down on the liberal/progressive side of the political fence, she’s more, from what I can see, a common sense democrat, and really does want to make things better for people. (I disagree with some of her political stands, but she isn’t a screamer. You can discuss your opinions and differences with her without Ms Gabbard calling you a white supremacist)

Now compare Ms. Gabbard to the Kamala “Heels Up” Harris. Harris is where she is for one reason only. She literally slept her way into power. She was the Attorney General for Kalifornistan where she fought to prevent convicts on death row from being able to access exculpatory information. (Things that would show they were actually innocent of the crime they had been convicted of)

As the junior senator from Kalifornistan, she accomplished nothing of note. She was good at making noise and looking like she knew what she was doing, but her actual legislative accomplishments can be counted on one fist. (That would be nothing. No fingers upraised, not even the middle one. She accomplished nothing) Heels Up also ran for president in 2020. Her campaign collapsed before the first Democrat primary. As to why the incoherent drooling dementia patient chose her, no one really knows. It could be she was seen as “Impeachment Insurances,” much as Biden was considered to be impeachment insurance for Der Fubar, Barack Obama.

Since President* Bumbles Dementia was installed into the White house, he assigned, (Or his minders did), Heels Up to handle several important issues. The first was dealing with the mess Dementia Joe created when he threw open the borders. Heels Up Harris was tasked to solve the problem. She never went to the border and wasted time looking at the “Root Causes.”

After that epic failure, she concentrated on smaller things to fail at, and fail she did. Harris’s office has experience very high levels of staff turnover, with people walking out and ripping Heels Up’s management. When things go wrong for Harris, she blames her staff for “Letting her down” and not briefing her. The reports out there indicate that it’s not that the staff doesn’t prepare briefing papers and reports, it’s that Harris won’t read them.

Thing became so bad that rumors were coming out that the White House was looking to replace Harris as VP. Obviously, Dementia Joe can’t fire her. The Office of Vice President is an elected office and there are only three ways Harris cold be removed. She dies on office, She resigns or she is impeached in the house and convicted in the Senate.

Recently, when things were starting to heat up between Russia and the Ukraine, (Prior to the Russians invading), President Dementia decided to send Heels Up Harris to Munich, Germany to try and solve the issues. It went about as well as expected.

Now, suppose it was Vice President Gabbard who was tasked with dealing with the mess Biden caused on the Border? To begin with, Gabbard would have actually gone to the border and seen first hand what was happening. I suspect she would have reported back that maladministration had to return to the Trump policies and finish the wall. Of course, that wouldn’t be what Dementia Joe’s handlers would want to hear.

With regards to the Munich debacle, my first thought is that if Gabbard were the VP, and had been tasked to try and stare down Putin, she might have questioned the choice of venues. I honestly don’t think she could have stopped Putin, anymore than Chamberlain was able to stop Hitler, but she would not be under any delusions. She might have, at the very least, gotten Dementia Joe to put down his ice cream, pull his thumb out of his ass, and send loads of weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainians before the Russians came in.

Finally, there is the elephant in the room. Joe Biden’s continuing mental decline. I have a suspicion that we would already be seeing the 25th Amendment being actively considered if not activated by now. If Dementia Joe was declared mentally incompetent and removed from office under the 25th Amendment, I suspect that President Gabbard would be a far more capable leader. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t support most of Tulsi Gabbard’s positions, and would not support her for President, unless the choices were Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.

Oh well, this was just a thought experiment of course. I’m sure there are plenty of alternate history writers who could really flesh out what the possibilities might have been if Tulsi Gabbard was Vice President and Heels Up Harris was still make an ass of herself, (Or offering her ass to someone), in the Senate.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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