Dementia Joe’s SOTU address includes: “Ban Guns!”

Good day all. Once again, current events have delayed my postings. This should have gone up last week.

Dementia Joe Biden held is first State Of The Union address Tuesday, (March 2nd), and it’s being torn to shreds as expected. As usual, the mentally deficient meat puppet refused to accept responsibility for his many failures since usurping assuming office. A lot of the speech was about the Ukraine and Russia. When he returned to domestic issues, the tone deaf moron promptly demanded banning and confiscation of firearms.

Dementia Joe has always been a big proponent of gun confiscation for a couple of reasons. One being that he has always been contemptuous of the Constitution and the rights of the people. He’s also, as we’ve seen over the last year, authoritarian and prefers to rule by decree, (His hundreds of Executive Orders), instead of going through the legislative process. Since Americans don’t generally like to be pushed around, Biden and others of his ilk are worried that all those guns will come out of the closet and be used on them.

Dementia Joe is also incredibly tone deaf. The Ukrainian government has been handing out automatic weapons to it’s citizens to fight off the Russian invaders. People in the United States have been looking for ways to send ammunition, weapons and equipment to the Ukraine in response to President Zelenskyy’s remarks to the Maladministration’s call for him to leave the country.

Compare this with the remarks by President Bumbles Dementia during his State of The union address. He called for the usual mantra of the Progressives to ban guns and magazines. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Joe Biden renewed his call for the banning of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in his State of the Union address.

“I ask Congress to pass proven measures to reduce gun violence,” Biden said during his first official State of the Union Address on Tuesday night. “Pass universal background checks. Why should anyone on a terrorist list be able to purchase a weapon? Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

“You think the deer are wearing a kevlar vest?” Biden said, going off the pre-released transcript of the speech. 

Biden has always been stupid of course, and utterly contemptuous of the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution. He once remarked that all anyone needed was a double barreled shotgun. “Just fire a couple of blast in the air to scare off the criminals.” He also once said that you should just shoot through the door if someone is trying to break in.

Would you care to guess just how many laws that senile idiot wanted people to break with those two statements? Not to mention that if you fire both barrels, you are now unarmed. He’s probably thinking that’s all the Ukrainians really need.

Biden added a call to “repeal the liability shield that makes gun manufacturers the only industry in America that can’t be sued.”

That is a flat out lie. If a firearm malfunctions due to design or manufacturing issues, the manufacturer can be sued. The law in question is also based on one for small plane manufacturers. Greedy ambulance chasing lawyers were going after companies like Cessna for crashes of planes that occurred 20 after the plane had been made and sold. There are similar laws protecting many industries that lawyers see as nothing more than a piggy bank to be robbed.

“These laws don’t infringe on the Second Amendment,” Biden said.  “They save lives.”

And that is another lie from the pathological liar. You only have to look at cities and states that have all but stripped people of their 2nd Amendment rights to see the truth. Only criminals have guns. The law abiding are blocked by the ruling elite, safe behind their own armed security details. As soon as the words left the Idiot’s mouth, the reactions began.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie labeled Biden’s claim about liability for gun manufacturers as a “lie.”

“Big Biden Lie: gun manufacturers are the only industry that can’t be sued,” Massie tweeted. “Truth: If guns malfunction, the manufacturers can be sued. Not so with vaccines!”

I mentioned above that gun manufacturers can be sued if their product malfunctions. Interestingly, Big Pharma can’t be sued if their Covid Vaccines cause harm to people. (Which they have done in some cases due to limited testing)

“Biden is just lying about the ‘liability shield’ for firearms manufacturers,” radio host and former CIA analyst Buck Sexton tweeted. “No other industry is made liable for criminal misuse of their product. But his base is full of hysterics who hate gun owners, so facts don’t matter.”

Biden has repeatedly called for banning assault weapons including in a speech last month when he claimed that no amendment is “absolute.” 

“We talk like. There’s no amendment that’s absolute,” Biden said. “When the amendment was passed it didn’t say anybody can own a gun, any kind of gun, and any kind of weapon. You couldn’t buy a cannon when this amendment was passed so there’s no reason why you should be able to buy certain assault weapons. But that’s another issue.”

That statement, when the Moron said it, blew up spectacularly in his face. It showed people just how much contempt Biden and the rest of the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis have for the Constitution of the United States. It also shows his complete lack of knowledge on both American history and firearms. People used to own cannon. Some still do, and not just the old black powder muzzle loaded Napoleons either.

People also used to own their own warships, and used them during times of war against enemies of the United States. There is a section of the constitution regarding the issuance of Letters of Marque and Reprisal. (Article I, Sec. 8 cl. 11) Congress can issue these to Citizens to act as their agents in time of Declared war. This is NOT a presidential power. The last time the United States issued a Letter was during the War of 1812. (The Confederate States of America also issued Letters of Marque)

While issuing these letters is no longer done, if Congress were to do so, then the people being given them would need to have access to all sorts of weapons, including aircraft, ships, missiles and “Assault Weapons.” That was part of the reason the 2nd Amendment was written. People would be able to purchase or make the weapons they needed to defend the United States against it’s enemies.

Which brings us back to the Ukraine. When the Russians invaded, most Ukrainians didn’t have any guns. The first thing the Ukrainian government did was hand out rifles and machine guns along with ammunition and gave the recipients a basic course in their usage, safety and maintenance. The Ukrainian people have taken those lessons and the weapons that Dementia Joe Biden wants to take away from Americans and used them on the invading Russian army. If, as is sadly expected, the Ukraine goes under the Russian yoke, there are going to be hundreds of thousands of people shooting at Russian soldiers.

Finally, the American People have decided on the 2nd Amendment with that most valuable of votes, their own money. Gun and ammunition sales have been going through the roof. Ammunition is still pricey and not every caliber is available. (This has ticked off hunters. Manufacturers have been concentrating on the “Popular” calibers. .22, 556/.223, 9mm, .45 and a few other pistol and rifle calibers)

More and more Americans, many of them first time buyers, are buying guns for self defense and for fun. Training classes, especially for women, are full, and more and more states are dropping the requirements for licenses and permits to carry a firearm. Even those states that haven’t are seeing a massive increase in people applying for carry permits. If that senile idiot thinks that people are going to turn in their guns because he says so, he might want to think again. Oh who am I kidding? Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden hasn’t had an original thought in decades, if ever.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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