Hispanic voters are moving to the GOP. Progressives panicking

Good day all. For decades, the Democrat Party considered the Hispanic voting population to be their property. The Democrats would show up at election time, instruct their serfs how to vote, make lots of noise about improving things, and once in office, ignore them.

Then came the greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. He came in and didn’t pay any attention to the loudmouthed leftists among the Hispanic communities. He talked to the average people. They wanted pretty much what everyone wants. A chance at a better life for themselves.

They also tended to be unhappy with those who illegally crossed the border, especially those who followed the rules and came her legally, and then became American citizens. (Lawful Immigrants despise illegal aliens and were quite happy to see President Trump securing the border)

In 2018 we started seeing a change in voting patterns from that community. President Trump’s policies were actually improving the lives of people across the board. This continued into 2020, however with the Tainted Election, the true number of votes was…confused.

Now, thanks to the incredible incompetence of President* Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden and the disaster he’s caused along the border and with the economy, the Hispanic community is abandoning the Democrats wholesale. This is causing panic at the highest levels of the Democrat Party, with some saying the GOP is “Stealing the Democrats property.” Here are the details from the Hill:

Republicans are actively courting Hispanic voters in key competitive House districts, hoping to peel away voters from Democrats repeating their historical pattern of investing little and late in reaching out to Latinos. 

As I mentioned earlier, the Democrats consider the Hispanic Community to be their property. Why would they pay any more attention to them then they would their garages or boat houses? Just slap a coat of paint on them occasionally and move on to the next cocktail party.

The GOP’s approach is a danger to Democrats, as Hispanic voters are likely to play a key role in at least a dozen districts in the November midterm elections. 

It couldn’t be a starker contrast between Republicans and Democrats as we engage and do outreach to minority voters, and specifically the Hispanic community,” said Danielle Alvarez, communications director for the GOP. 

According to the Hill, Progressive Democrat Hispanics in Congress out number Republicans 4 to 1. The Republican party has actively gone out to recruit Hispanic candidates for the 2022 midterms, and have already flipped one dark blue congressional district in Texas. (To the horror of the Democrats)

Excitement about making inroads in the Hispanic community led Reps. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) to launch the Hispanic Leadership Trust PAC in May, aimed at growing the number of Hispanic members in the House. 

As long as they represent my views, the more the merrier I say. Same goes for Asian and Black candidates. (Something else that drives the Democrats nuts. Most Republicans and Conservatives don’t care about race, just about the individual)

The GOP this week seized on a flub by Jill Biden comparing the Hispanic community to breakfast tacos, which the first lady has since apologized for, to help fuel Republicans’ argument that Democrats are not in touch with Hispanic voters.  

I haven’t written about that fiasco due to time constraints, but Jill “Call me Doctor Damn it!” Biden really put her foot in it with that remark. What’s worse, she isn’t senile like her husband, Dementia Joe, and can actually string two sentences together coherently, unlike Kamala Heels Up Harris. It looks like this was actually written into her speech. How this made it past all the people in her office, as well as Her Doktor Jill herself would be a mystery, if you didn’t know what a pack of racists the Progressive Liberal Democrats actually are.

Alvarez called the comment “disrespectful” and argued that it is “a window into how Democrats view Hispanics.” The Republican National Committee (RNC) started selling shirts that read “Not your breakfast taco.” 

The memes about that remark came fast and furious. At least the Democrats didn’t spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and 6 months questioning focus groups like they did for the “Ultra MAGA Republican” disaster. (Something else the Republicans grabbed and made their own as soon as they saw it) The Hill article then goes into a number of polls, and how traditionally, high Hispanic turnout favors the Democrats. You can review that yourselves.

Nonetheless, the favorable polls are putting a spark into the GOP effort.

We never left the ground, and we’ve always been engaging and having these conversations with Hispanic communities and diverse communities across the country,” said Alvarez. 

Keeping the lines of communication open is pretty much mandatory for politics. You might not be successful, but it shows that you are willing and able to at least discuss things. The Democrats have a habit of assuming their property will just do what they’re told to and ignore them most of the time.

Rep. Juan Vargas (D-Calif.) acknowledged “some inroads” by the GOP when it comes to attracting Latino voters, but quickly added that the trend has been “way overstated.” 

Everyone has always looked at Latinos as this sort of singular group and not diverse. The truth of the matter is we’re as diverse as anybody else — may even more so,” said Vargas, who represents a huge swath of the border between California and Mexico. 

People say, ‘Look, there’s all these Latinos voting Republican.’ And I say, ‘They always have.’ I mean, because of social issues they always have,” he said. “It’s not a big change, people are just noticing it now.” 

Actually, it’s the Democrats who are big on identity politics and putting people into controllable groups, not the Republicans. The GOP might refer to the “Hispanic voters” but they prefer to talk to them as individuals, and not pretend to speak Spanish.

The expanding GOP outreach, led by Hispanic Republicans, is eroding an image Democrats had cultivated of having a virtual monopoly on Hispanic representation.  In the five Texan districts along the U.S.-Mexico border, all 10 major party House candidates are Hispanics with ties to local communities. 

This is something the Democrats have forgotten. All politics is local. This was a comment by former, (And now safely dead), Speaker of the House Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill. It allowed the Democrats a virtual monopoly on Congress for decades. Now that the Country Club Globalist Establishment TransRepublicans are being shown the door by the Bitter Clinging Ultra MAGA Deplorables, the pendulum has begun to swing away from the Democrats.

It hasn’t helped the Democrats that they have gone full Communist and have been trying to push policies that hurt the Hispanic communities and their individual families. One of their dumber ideas was to refer to people in that community as “LatinX” instead of the traditional Latino and Latina. (The people in these communities are very “Manly and Womenly” and are not happy with all the Trans stuff being shoved down people’s throats by the Progressive Coastal Elites. It’s basically “What? Cut my dick off and put on a dress? Are you loco?)

Alvarez said that “the extremism of the Democrats woke leftist movement” contributes to Hispanic voters moving toward the GOP, noting use of the term “Latinx” and mentioning education on gender identity and sexuality in elementary schools.

We’re actually more conservative than the average voter on these issues,” said Alvarez. 

Family is pretty much everything, and the Democrat’s policies have been to destroy the family unit. They’ve been successful with the Black community, (Although it looks like it’s beginning to reverse), and now they’re working on the Hispanic and Asian communities. Of course, these are two groups that put family ahead of pretty much everything. We shall see how this all shakes out in November. So far, it’s looking pretty bad for the Democrats.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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