House Communazis ignore Constitution move to ban semiautomatic firearms

Good day all. The recent Bruen decision basically blew up all the Progressives attempts to suppress the 2nd Amendment rights of the American people. We’re now seeing a number of states flat out ignoring the court and passing more laws to prevent people from exercising their rights.

Now the Communazis in the House are pushing a bill that basically bans all semiautomatic firearms, limits magazine capacity and outlaws the possession of pretty much everything. Here are the details from Fox News:

The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday moved a bill banning assault weapons forward, but it’s unclear if the legislation has enough support to pass a floor vote.

Even if it passes along party lines, (Which would be enough to send it to the Senate), there is real doubt it would pass the Senate and go to Dementia Joe’s desk where he will sign it. (He loves taking people rights away, almost as much as he likes taxing their money and taking bribes from China)

Democratic Reps. Jared Golden of Maine and Henry Cuellar of Texas have said they won’t support the bill, while Republican Reps. Chris Jacobs of New York and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois have said they are open to voting for a ban, according to The Hill. House Democrats have a four-vote margin. 

Kinzinger is out in a few months, and he’s shown that he’s just a TransRepublican. I don’t know anything about Jacobs, but since he’s a New York Republican, he’s probably a RINO at best. Henry Cuellar is a Texas Democrat, and outside of Austin, the Texans have had it with the Democrats, and it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that he might lose his reelection in November.

The Assault Weapons Ban of 2021 was advanced in a 25-18 vote, but a date for a vote on the House floor has not been set. 

“As we have learned all too well in recent years, assault weapons — especially when combined with high-capacity magazines — are the weapon of choice for mass shootings,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said during the bill’s markup. “These military-style weapons are designed to kill the most people in the shortest amount of time. Quite simply, there is no place for them on our streets.”

There is no place on our Streets for that fat commie slob, No Nads Nadler. It’s obvious that he has never read the Constitution and is flat out ignoring both the Supreme Court and the American people. They have been purchasing these firearms for decades. Here is just how bad this bill is.

The bill would make it a crime to “import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device,” according to the bill’s summary. A few exceptions would be made.  It would not include any “firearm that is (1) manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; (2) permanently inoperable; (3) an antique; or (4) a rifle or shotgun specifically identified by make and model.”

In other words, anything that automatically reloads itself after each shot will be rendered illegal to own. Standard magazines will be illegal to own. You will not be able to sell or give these firearms to anyone else. More then likely, they will be confiscated.

“Assault weapons need to be banned,” Biden said last week at the White House while celebrating the signing of the bipartisan gun law. “They were banned. I led the fight in 1994. And then under pressure from the NRA and the gun manufacturers and others, that ban was lifted in 2004. In that 10 years it was law, mass shootings went down.”

As usual, Biden lies. The original ban sunsetted after 10 years. It was found that it did nothing regarding crime. The sunset provision was written into the law. I can’t recall if it was challenged in court at the time. If this thing actually passes both houses and that tyrant signs it, it will be challenged before the ink is dry. Considering the Bruen decision, and that it tells the lower courts to read the text of the 2nd Amendment, the courts will issue an injunction against it.

It would soon move up the chain and reach the Supreme Court, and they won’t be to happy with Congress ignoring the Constitution and their ruling. Such a case could even determine that the National Firearms Act is not constitutional, and that would put an end to the BATFE and all federal and State anti-gun efforts.

What worries me is that the maladministration might decide to start sending out raid teams to kick in doors, murder gun owners and their dogs, and start a door to door confiscation effort. They would have a few early successes, but in very short order, you would hundreds of thousands of gun owners going after anyone with a federal badge. Basically, civil war.

I honestly don’t see this passing and reaching that Senile Tyrant’s desk. As it is, the Democrats are going to get hammered in the midterms. If they push this through, and any Republicans back them, it’s going to be a political bloodbath. (Far more preferable to a real bloodbath, thank you) As I said earlier, the American People have spoken and they want their AR-15’s.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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