Leftist discovers GOP “Secret Plan” for government in 2025

Good day all. When the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, took office in 2017, he made one major mistake. He didn’t fire everyone who could and a few he couldn’t. The reason was simple. He thought that the bureaucrats actually believed that they worked for America. As we now know, these Deep State totalitarians only work for themselves.

Despite this and the near constant attempts to “Get Trump,” President Trump accomplished a great deal. Then came the Tainted Election of 2020 and the installation of the Worst President in American History, Dementia Joe Biden, the serial hair sniffer.

President Trump has been hinting at another run, and I’m all in for it. I’ve made no secret that I think the best team would be President Trump and Vice President DeSantis. However, if/when President Trump takes office again, he’s still going to have the same problem with the Deep State. Now one of the propaganda organs for the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi Party, Axios, has published “Trump’s Secret Plan” for dealing with the Deep State. Here are the paranoid details from Axios:

Former President Trump’s top allies are preparing to radically reshape the federal government if he is re-elected, purging potentially thousands of civil servants and filling career posts with loyalists to him and his “America First” ideology, people involved in the discussions tell Axios.

The impact could go well beyond typical conservative targets such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service. Trump allies are working on plans that would potentially strip layers at the Justice Department — including the FBI, and reaching into national security, intelligence, the State Department and the Pentagon, sources close to the former president say.

I don’t have any problem with this. We saw just how corrupt these agencies were and continue to be. The Pentagon alone is in such bad shape that pretty much everyone above the rank of Colonel will need to be dismissed from the service, and a couple need to be court martialed for mutiny, sedition and potentially, treason.

The heart of the plan is derived from an executive order known as “Schedule F,” developed and refined in secret over most of the second half of Trump’s term and launched 13 days before the 2020 election.

Oooh! A secret plan! How evil! Actually, it’s more like a response to the previous four years of abuse, and refusal to follow the lawful instructions of the executive branch. It took several years for things to really shake out for President Trump, but in his last year, he was getting good people into place who were going to rip the living guts out of the Deep State. Having learned their lessons from how the Democratic Communazis do things, the Republicans are going to take it to the next level.

They intend to stack thousands of mid-level staff jobs. Well-funded groups are already developing lists of candidates selected often for their animus against the system — in line with Trump’s long-running obsession with draining “the swamp.” This includes building extensive databases of people vetted as being committed to Trump and his agenda.

The preparations are far more advanced and ambitious than previously reported. What is happening now is an inversion of the slapdash and virtually non-existent infrastructure surrounding Trump ahead of his 2017 presidential transition.

Many people, and I think that includes President Trump, were surprised at his winning the race. First, no one anticipated just how rotten a candidate Felonia von Pantsuit was going to be. Second, the “Ruling Elite” of the “Deep State,” the Uniparty and most especially, the Establishment RINO Republicans misjudged the anger of the American people. They saw something in Donald Trump that they liked, and, by and large, President Trump did his best to not disappoint them.

These groups are operating on multiple fronts: shaping policies, identifying top lieutenants, curating an alternative labor force of unprecedented scale, and preparing for legal challenges and defenses that might go before Trump-friendly judges, all the way to a 6-3 Supreme Court.

One of the best things to have happened was President Trump getting a list of prospective judges and Justices when he was preparing for his term in office. These men and women, by and large, are actual constitutional scholars who read the Constitution, study exactly what it means, and what the words meant when the Constitution was written. They understand that the Constitution does not grant rights to the American People, it restricts the power of government.

Trump signed an executive order, “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service,” in October 2020, which established a new employment category for federal employees. It received wide media coverage for a short period, then was largely forgotten in the mayhem and aftermath of Jan. 6 — and quickly was rescinded by President Biden.

Frankly, I don’t recall seeing anything about the existence of Schedule F. I’m sure I would have written something about it. As to Bumbles Dementia rescinding it, I doubt he was even aware of it in the first place. He was to busy signing everything that was put in front of him by his handlers, and he certainly didn’t bother to actually read any of it.

Sources close to Trump say that if he were elected to a second term, he would immediately reimpose it.

And, I hope, look to getting some legislation passed that will really rip the guts out of the Bureaucratic Monster once and for all. After all, Executive orders can be reversed. Legislation? That’s a lot harder to do.

Tens of thousands of civil servants who serve in roles deemed to have some influence over policy would be reassigned as “Schedule F” employees. Upon reassignment, they would lose their employment protections.

And be shown the door.

An initial estimate by the Trump official who came up with Schedule F found it could apply to as many as 50,000 federal workers — a fraction of a workforce of more than 2 million, but a segment with a profound role in shaping American life.

This is what we call “A good start.” Fire as many of these slime as possible, and then start shutting down as many agencies and departments as you can. (Again, will require legislation)

Trump, in theory, could fire tens of thousands of career government officials with no recourse for appeals. He could replace them with people he believes are more loyal to him and to his “America First” agenda.

Still not seeing a problem here.

Even if Trump did not deploy Schedule F to this extent, the very fact that such power exists could create a significant chilling effect on government employees.

It would effectively upend the modern civil service, triggering a shock wave across the bureaucracy. The next president might then move to gut those pro-Trump ranks — and face the question of whether to replace them with her or his own loyalists, or revert to a traditional bureaucracy.

I think Axios is missing the whole point. The goal will be to use this as step one of crushing Fedzilla once and for all. Just because President Trump might fire 50,000 bureaucrats doesn’t mean he will replace them with his, or any other people. He could leave the jobs vacant, and if they prove unnecessary, see to them being permanently removed.

Unions and Democrats would be expected to immediately fight a Schedule F order. But Trump’s advisers like their chances in a judicial system now dominated at its highest levels by conservatives.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), who chairs the subcommittee that oversees the federal civil service, is among a small group of lawmakers who never stopped worrying about Schedule F, even after Biden rescinded the order. Connolly has been so alarmed that he attached an amendment to this year’s defense bill to prevent a future president from resurrecting Schedule F. The House passed Connolly’s amendment but Republicans hope to block it in the Senate.

As always, the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis are moving to protect their power, and that means protecting their bureaucrats from being thrown out. Of course, if, as we expect, the midterm elections end in the virtual political slaughter of the Democrats, and the Republicans actually work to fix the mess Dementia Joe and the Democrats have made of things, they could have even more seats flip in the 2024 presidential election.

The Federal Bureaucracy is out of control. It is populated by unelected, barely competent, and in many cases incompetent ideologues usually on the far left of the political spectrum. Few have any idea what the world is like outside of their beltway bubble and don’t care.

A classic example is Anthony Fauci. The damage he’s done to the nation and the world is such that he should be tried for, at the very least, crimes against humanity. Instead, he’s going to retire with a package far exceeding that of the President of the United States. Most Americans have had it with Fedzilla and want it cut down to size. If they can’t nuke Washington then Schedule F is the next best thing.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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