Liz Cheney Falls! Progressives and Never Trumpers Mourn

Good day all. Yesterday was the Primary in the State of Wyoming, the pretend home of Liz Cheney. (WY-RINO) Cheney, who was one of the last of the old Bush/Cheney warmongering globalists in Congress was, as expected, crushed at the polls yesterday by not quite Representative-Elect Harriet Hageman.

Lizard Cheney made a name, and an ass of herself as one of the most militant never Trumpers in the Republican Party. She managed to anger everyone on the GOP by voting to impeach the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and then joined the phony January 6th committee put together by San Fran Nan Pelosi to protect her and to “Get Trump!”

Because of her blind hatred of all things Trump, she was removed from all her leadership positions and, for all intents and purposes, booted from the Wyoming Republican party. Yesterday, August 16th, 2022, the citizens of Wyoming made it official and have booted Cheney from office.

Cheney will remain in Congress until the end of the session, and the winner of the November midterm election, which will not be Liz Cheney, (Probably Harriet Hageman considering Wyoming), will be sworn in to office in January 2023. This brings up what may be one of the worst Lame Duck sessions of Congress in decades.

All but two of the Never Trump RINO’s have either retired or been voted out of office in their primaries. When the midterm votes are counted, provided the Democrats are blocked from their usual means of election fraud, it is expected that the Republicans will have destroyed the Democrats.

At this point, we can expect a “Lame Duck” session of Congress, where the Democrats with the Zombie RINO’s such as Lizard Cheney start ramming through bills so bad that, if signed into law by Bumbles Dementia, will trigger an economic collapse and depression worse then the one in the 1930’s. There will also be bills that will all but tear up the Constitution, and we can expect that there will be an attempt to arrest President Trump.

If any of this actually happens, it will not be due to the Lame Ducks trying to “Do their duty” to the nation and their constituents, (One reason they were voted out would be NOT doing their duty), it will be flat out revenge and a means to punish those Ultra MAGA Republican Deplorable Bitter Clingers.

Lizard Cheney failed to understand that the old Bush/Cheney axis of Globalism and endless war gave rise to President Trump. He pledged to Put America First and to Make America Great Again and did his best to do just that. This was nothing less then a repudiation of the old Bush/Cheney Uniparty globalist agenda, and something that she could not allow to happen.

Well, guess what Lizard, it happened. You have been voted out of office by a huge magnitude. You and your wing of the Republican Party, the Republican Globalist Establishment wing, has been rejected in its entirety and the people of Wyoming have taken you out behind the barn and put your political career down like a rabid dog.

You may think you can run for President in 2024, but you will have even less luck then Kamala “Heels Up” Harris in 2020. It’s time for you to just move out of Wyoming and retire to your preferred residence in the Swamps of Washington D.C. Good Bye and Good riddance.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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