Majority now say Dementia Joe Biden is incompetent

Good day all. The midterm election is about a month away and things are looking very bleak indeed for the Democrats and President* Bumbles Dementia Biden. Thanks to the disaster known as the Biden Maladministration, people now say that he is incompetent.

This is a far cry from about a year and a half ago, when people thought that Joe Biden was actually competent. This was before the massive increase in inflation, energy costs skyrocketing and, of course, the Biden bug Out from Afghanistan. Here are the details from Fox News:

Voters rated the Biden administration as competent and effective last year. Not anymore, as a majority sees no improvement in getting inflation under control — and a growing number say rising prices have damaged their family finances. Fully 78% of voters in a new Fox News national survey say inflation has caused them financial hardship, up three points since July and up 11 since December. Some 34% describe it as “a serious hardship,” up from earlier this summer (30% in July).

Well, you only have yourselves to blame. The Greatest President of the 21st Century along with all his supporters did try to warn you that Bumbles Biden would wreck the economy. Now you are discovering the joys of Progressive Economics.

A year ago, 51% of voters said the Biden administration was competent and effective in managing the federal government. Today, only 38% feel the same way. That 13-point decline comes from fewer independents (-21 points), Democrats (-13) and Republicans (-8) rating the White House as competent.

The drop in Republicans is interesting since most already considered the Senile Pedophile to be incompetent from day one.

The new survey, released Wednesday, also finds inflation is the top concern to voters as more than five times as many report they are falling behind financially as getting ahead and, for the fourth month in a row, at least eight in 10 rate economic conditions negatively.

I can state that I’m falling behind. This year has not been kind to me with a number of unexpected expense, both medical and vehicular. Currently, the Anger Central Primary Vehicle is in the shop having some major, and expensive, work done on the transmission. SWMBO’s car is also in the body shop after being rear ended last June. (Her car is being handled under insurance. My vehicle? It’s all out of pocket)

Yet President Biden has seen a bit of improvement in his ratings on the economy. To be sure, he’s still underwater, but it’s by 28 points vs. 38 points in June. Similar story on inflation: his ratings are net negative by 36 points, but they were -48 in June and July.

But that improvement is driven almost solely by Democrats.

The problem with most Democrats is they are sheep. They are not capable of actual critical thinking. The ones who are, are leaving the party and looking to vote Republican.

“The economy is a weight around the neck of the administration right now,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox survey with Democrat Chris Anderson. “Until voters feel prices are under control, Biden’s numbers across the board will continue to suffer.”

It isn’t just Dementia Joe Biden, it’s all the people he’s put into his maladministration. A lot are former Obama drones, and others are flat out Marxists and Communists and want the United States to fail economically. These people have been put into positions where they can do a lot of damage, either intentionally or through their incompetence.

One such incompetent is the current Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttplug. When the supply chain issues hit, he was no where to be found. Another is Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen. She has been so bad that there are rumors that she will be fired after the midterms.

As to the poll, I suspect it’s been weighted to favor the Democrats. Polls like this usually are. That this, and other polls are generally showing that Biden is toast are probably seriously underestimating just how bad his ratings actually are. This is beginning to push down to the state and local levels, and the Democrat Candidates are trying to keep Biden far away from them.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the election. Will it be a close thing? Will be be a political blood bath for the Democrats, or will it be a massacre exceeding what happened in 2010? Whatever happens, no matter who much the Senile Idiot claims, he will not be on the ticket in 2024. I’m surprised he’s made it this far, and hasn’t been forced to resign or be removed under the 25th Amendment. What happens in 2023?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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